Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by DarkPhenomenon » Fri May 15, 2015 9:55 pm

You'll never please everyone, Blizzard is currently pleasing millions of people that are currently happy with wow, these private servers are currently pleasing tens of thousands of players. Blizzard is doing the right thing by focusing on what the majority of players are happy with.

Does it make sense for Blizzard to split off servers, customer support groups, tech support and development support for less than 1% of the population? From a business perspective it makes absolutely no sense.

Just be happy Blizzard's leaving the private servers alone because if they really wanted to I'm sure they could have them all shut down (Especially since most of them are indeed making money off them).

This at least lets the very small population that enjoy past content still enjoy it while Blizzard can focus on what the majority of WoW players actually want.

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by heradura » Fri May 15, 2015 10:23 pm

Xsplicit wrote:
heradura wrote:Not really worth the read. Here, I'll summarize:

nostalgia nostalgia, oh but you can't really relive those old times, but nostalgia nostalgia anyway lol


Really? I thought it would go a little something like this:

Clickbait, why can't I pick a non-binary gender?, rampant misogyny, TRIGGERED by someone's character name, L I T E R A L L Y raped in PvP, nerdy white males proliferating the patriarchy, 77% of gamers are women, subscribe to us on tumblr.

Yeah it's pretty remarkable that none of that was shoehorned in.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Norjak » Fri May 15, 2015 10:28 pm

Their existence is against the game’s terms of service, but Blizzard, the people who make WoW, generally turns a blind eye.

Blizzard has reportedly pursued legal action vs smaller servers than Nost - they don't turn a blind eye (eg. recent Twitch actions) but it's likely that EU makes it a PITA for their lawyers...
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Bioness » Sat May 16, 2015 12:03 am

Who the hell cares what anyone at Kotaku has to say? Their staff has the collective intelligence of a snail.
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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Melancholia » Sat May 16, 2015 12:14 am

DarkPhenomenon wrote:You'll never please everyone, Blizzard is currently pleasing millions of people that are currently happy with wow, these private servers are currently pleasing tens of thousands of players. Blizzard is doing the right thing by focusing on what the majority of players are happy with.

Does it make sense for Blizzard to split off servers, customer support groups, tech support and development support for less than 1% of the population? From a business perspective it makes absolutely no sense.

Just be happy Blizzard's leaving the private servers alone because if they really wanted to I'm sure they could have them all shut down (Especially since most of them are indeed making money off them).

This at least lets the very small population that enjoy past content still enjoy it while Blizzard can focus on what the majority of WoW players actually want.

They do shut down servers quite often, IF they make profit of said server.
Servers who doesn't market / use their server as a profit /money making scheme, they'll leave it alone.

Atleast as far i know. EVERY server who gets KNOWN and sells ITEMS ingame, gets shut down rather quick.

And lastly, yes blizzard can't please everyone we know that. However there's a huge market for them if they just implemented the time for it. Blizzard earns more than their company can spend at the moment. So that acti-blizzard would loose out on it i kinda refuse to agree with. However i do guess most of the *current expansion* ppl would just /blah on a vanilla server, because they can't handle the real grind that vanilla realy is. But there's a few of us who realy wants that (over 6k of us atm,incl me for the 2nd time)

Rose tinted eyes or not, there's alot of us who wants to relive this "nostalgia" which in my opionion is the best "wow" or "expansion" if you will. Truly, none of the existing expansions never appealed to me, and i've personally always been stuck with vanilla. Just the same as i've played D2 for nearly 10 years.

/rant over or whatever u wanna call it. :)

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Norjak » Tue May 19, 2015 5:04 am

also Ghostcrawer Tweet
He's off target about the 2006 design, though...it's clearly superior in the eyes of many.
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Meaty » Tue May 19, 2015 2:38 pm

Nostalgia brought me here, but it didn't keep be here; quality gameplay and dank content did that. Bad article from a consistently bad group of "journalists".


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