Strife wrote:Compelling argument you bring there my friend, insults too? Nice.
Horde will always outnumber alliance in pvp, but you aren't factoring in all the pve only carebears, people in dungeons and afk in the cities. There are tons of alliance not queuing for pvp when they get destroyed by the horde because pvp-centric players gravitate to the superior racials. I won't be surprised if its 55/45 H:A, but no more than that. There's a greater than usual amount of alliance guilds in this community at this point in time and I'm talking guilds with communities from previous servers that are bringing over a sizable number of players without needing to recruit from scratch.
Of course this is just speculation, but I'm at least bringing some logical points to support my opinion.
Hardiness, Will of the Forsaken, and War Stomp are hardly heads and shoulders over Escape artist, Stoneform, and Perception.
And if you think slightly better racials make up for human weapon specializations and fucking
paladins, you're in for a rude awakening.