7300 people logged on!

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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Arael » Mon May 18, 2015 10:55 am

It is an awesome number, but the delay is perceptible when 6.600 players are on, I can't imagine for 7.500.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by SlayerOfNoob » Mon May 18, 2015 11:00 am

tuck3r wrote:yeaaaaaaaaaaaa.........................no
one of the main reasons i play here is for the massive population and i can assure you that is why lots of others play here also

yeah me too
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by sanserof » Mon May 18, 2015 11:05 am

Crysthal wrote:That's what he said - 15kids

Kronos has better scripting than Nostalrius, you ought to give them more credit. The only reason why Nostalrius is more popular is because of a better timed launch date, and it continues to be more popular because of a more thriving community.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by schaka » Mon May 18, 2015 11:06 am

Arael wrote:It is an awesome number, but the delay is perceptible when 6.600 players are on, I can't imagine for 7.500.

With 7600 online last night, there was no delay. It's not constant and I'm sure they know what's causing it and are looking into ways to improve stability as well as performance. But I'm afraid there is only SO much you can do with a single machine, even if you're running on 12 cores.

Blizzard had always split battleground servers, instance servers and each continent onto different machines. Rewriting mangos to make this possible would probably take another year, if it was even possible without a large structural overhaul.

A queue would be one, fair solution. It would hardly come in use except during weekends. Although, I fear that with school being over and all the kids coming in through several different doors of the hype train, we might reach the 6.6k more frequently.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Numentor » Mon May 18, 2015 11:16 am

schaka wrote:
Blizzard had always split battleground servers, instance servers and each continent onto different machines. Rewriting mangos to make this possible would probably take another year, if it was even possible without a large structural overhaul.

I thought mangos supported separated instances. .
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Tam » Mon May 18, 2015 12:31 pm

Arise wrote:And my latency still steady at 20 ms!

with 30 ms still got some delay like 0.5 sec on each spell, same goes for my friends in differrent countries
it happens only when online above 6k people

Arael wrote:It is an awesome number, but the delay is perceptible when 6.600 players are on, I can't imagine for 7.500.

Last edited by Tam on Mon May 18, 2015 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Reiker » Mon May 18, 2015 12:33 pm

“It was great in the way that it allowed you to embody your high school self and go through those early years again,” said Paquette, reflecting on his time in private servers. “I played a rogue like I did during vanilla, and I couldn’t wait to try and raid again. But after I hit 60 (the level cap), I spent three days trying to get a group together for Blackrock Depths, and it was impossible. People are too used to the convenience, and I realized that vanilla just can’t work anymore.”

What a scrub.

Re: 7300 people logged on!

by PanTheSatyr » Mon May 18, 2015 12:40 pm

sanserof wrote:Kronos has better scripting than Nostalrius, you ought to give them more credit. The only reason why Nostalrius is more popular is because of a better timed launch date, and it continues to be more popular because of a more thriving community.

Then go play on Kronos.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Arael » Mon May 18, 2015 12:49 pm

Tam wrote:
Arise wrote:And my latency still steady at 20 ms!

with 30 ms still got some delay like 0.5 sec on each spell, same goes for my friends in differrent countries
it happens only when online above 6k people

Arael wrote:It is an awesome number, but the delay is perceptible when 6.600 players are on, I can't imagine for 7.500.


Yes, it's doesn't look to be a connection issue, it looks like a CPU delay issue.

The machine is clearly under pressure when you reach 6.5k.

You can notice it from casting delay and movements delay.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Tam » Mon May 18, 2015 12:51 pm

Arael wrote:Yes, it's doesn't look to be a connection issue, it looks like a CPU delay issue.

The machine is clearly under pressure when you reach 6.5k.

You can notice it from casting delay and movements delay.

it's logical, server has 3x mor population than typical blizzard vanilla realm back in the days
also current delay is way lower than it was at Nos launch, means devs r working on it

so i hope in some time they will improve their system or w/e needs to be inproved to serve 7k online perfectly
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