darkfoxx wrote:if they did that then they would also have to rework every single class ability that's just as cheap, stunlocking, bubble hearthing, add diminishing returns to all abilities, sheeping, humans built in trinket not on same cd as trinkets with same effects, or you can just go back to live server where they have that already done, either way it wouldn't be fair to break one class ability and leave other classes alone with the same type of thing.
What the hell are you on?
I didn't play vanilla, but it would seem weird that it would not break on damage whatsoever, it would be a spammable stun with infinite duration in that case. Apparently even Priests' Psychic Scream has damage thresholds and can break...
On the other hand, 'stunlocking' is part of Rogues' gameplay until WotLK (since at that time people had too much HP unless you were in full PvE gear and/or ganking newbs), it was definitely the same crap in TBC, as long as you play subtelty for the CD resets.
The fact that rogues have to have the stealth opening, all CD available and don't mess up their rotation and finishers to stunlock isn't the same a fucking spammable fear on demand.
Bubble hearthing, lol, paladins can't do anything else except reckoning bombs & shock'ing people every 30 seconds, they don't die, grats, but take forever to grind exp and can't kill shit otherwise.
I don't remember if Warriors' Shattering Throw & Priests' Mass Dispel is in Classic already, though.
But that's just the basic premise of Paladins: having utility with buffs and some defense CDs (too bad they got no Taunt, they can't tank most raid bosses lololol).
You can't say "oh lol, you wanna make my fear not totally broken allowing me to kill anything that isn't a warrior or an undead horde player? well you should do some custom scripts to spells I deem too op then".
Unless people can provide definite proofs of one side (unbreakable fears) or the other (fears should break past a certain damage treshold).
Funny cause on many private servers, that's one of the first bugs to be noticed. And never fixed. Along with pathfinding and LoS.
By the way. Humans DON'T HAVE EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF racial trinket here.

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