tuck3r wrote:holkan wrote:tuck3r wrote:@Flaat
My realm in BC always had a queue. If anything a queue would be a "good" sign. What idiot would want to leave a server with super high population to go play on some dead server? A 5-10 minute queue would not be bad at all and is 100x better solution than a second server. There is literally nothing abnormal about high/max pop servers having a queue.
I dont think you understand the purpose of a queue. A queue limits the amount of people able to login at once to prevent the server from crashing. It doesn't fix having so many people on one server that the server can no longer function properly. Here's the thing also if the server cant be stable with the amount of people on it 2 servers are necessary and if the population dwindles they can always be merged back into one server. 7k is almost 3x the population of what a vanilla server was on retail.
I play here for the massive population along with most people here.
If you enjoy low pop servers, there are plenty out there
I can't tell if you're dense or just trolling but even if we split the population in 1/2 at peak it wouldnt be close to a low population server.