Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Mauda » Wed May 27, 2015 3:00 pm

Think their biggest issue, is that they would be in competition with themselves. They need to develop new content to justify their prices. A Vanilla server is pretty much "done" outside of maintaining it (which a lot smaller staff can do).
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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by dstar » Wed May 27, 2015 3:42 pm

Well it could also be that they think there is bigger fish to fry allocating resources to other projects such as Overwatch and Hearthstone and opening these servers isnt even worth the effort. Also, they have stated they will never open legacy servers with the infamous 'Wall of No' post. In other words, dont hold your breathe.

Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Norjak » Wed May 27, 2015 4:59 pm

Krusher wrote:if they attract 10k players from EU and charge 10 euro a month

The problem is that as soon as you start charging people money, you are opening yourself up to every ridiculous demand from the players who are never happy. I'm sure there's enough of that on a free server - imagine all the complaining amplified x100 when people are paying for an MMO that's nowhere near as friendly & accessible as the retail version (although arguably more fun.)
It would create bad reputation to the public. I can imagine people who have heard of WoW thinking to themselves "WoW must really suck now, Blizz had to bring back the original version to keep people interested." It would dilute their current game & force people to choose to spend time on one or the other. They have no need to sustain their business like a smaller company would until their sub numbers drop some more.
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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Membraniac » Wed May 27, 2015 6:19 pm

According to this thread on the WoW forums:, realm populations are crashing across the board. If the posts in that thread are any indication of the status of the game, I think realm mergers are inevitable. The only stories of activity are in CRZ areas.

Personally, I am waiting for the mega servers or whatever to reach populations of ~7k so that experience can be directly compared to Nost. At that time I don't think it would be a bad idea to activate our free scroll of resurrection to advertise in chat/ the forums if that's possible. That thread got me thinking the sky is falling on WoW and we are witnessing its death throes.
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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by pateuvasiliu » Wed May 27, 2015 6:47 pm

I don't really get why people would want to RETURN ( implies you played it ) to Vanilla. It's an imbalanced mess where most specs aren't viable. Blizzard didn't care about balance or viability.

I play it because I never got to properly experience it ( I was too young to properly vidya back in 2004, my WoW life truly started in Wrath ) but I don't get why so many speak of it like it was Messiah's gift. WOTLK knocks it out of the park.

Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Pottu » Wed May 27, 2015 6:54 pm

pateuvasiliu wrote:It's an imbalanced mess where most specs aren't viable

Every spec is "viable" in the sense that you can get to level 60 and do end game dungeons. Some specs (not most) are not "viable" if you're in a serious progress raiding guild that wants all of its member to min-max their efficiency.

There is room on Nostalrius for both relaxed, casual raiding and min-maxed hardcore raiding.
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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Setup » Wed May 27, 2015 7:15 pm

Exactly what Pottu said.

None of the encounters in vanilla WoW are hard-tuned enough that min:maxing is really necessary to clear content. Guilds could still easily clear all the raiding content while bringing along ret paladins, enhancement shaman, moonking, etc.

The fact guilds discourage these specs (and consume to the teeth) has less to do with how viable something is, and more to do with the personal choices and opinions of individuals.
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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Keldan » Wed May 27, 2015 8:01 pm

pateuvasiliu wrote:I don't get why so many speak of it like it was Messiah's gift. WOTLK knocks it out of the park.

Well, that's a perfectly valid point of view which I happen to disagree.
For me, Classic is a genuinely better game. There is no flying mount, so there are more encounters on the road and strategies to "catch" enemy players. There are elite areas, where you have to group. There aren't many quests, so you have to go in these area, same for gold. Some quests required items crafted by certain professions which is imo brilliant (you have to actually trade with other players). The slower rate makes player do other activities than leveling during 1-59 levels and it allows to level professions.

Now, there are reasons why I don't like WotLK :
-They destroyed Warcraft 3 lore, making Azjol Nerub a joke and replacing Icecrown Glacier by a Mordor parody. Dalaran is now a small flying town, the Argent Tournament is a non-sense...
-The Death Knights. Dude, they start at 55. This is a complete mistake. And they were really overpowered along with Retpals.
-They introduced a Looking for dungeon tool that teleports your group to the dungeon and teleports you back when it's over.
-They started to sell mounts !
-The heroic dungeons were really, really, really too easy.
-Difficulty modes for raids. People gather when they face the same difficulties : if you allow them to make these a choice, you divide the population and there is no "place I can only dream of" which is f*cking essential to keep you going.
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Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by Thegrapist » Wed May 27, 2015 9:53 pm

reminder CM lore is the same faggot who got asspained about the ship named Tyandere's silence crying "MUH RAPE CULTOOR" and had them change it

and sperged out over Baron R's description in hearthstone because "ableism"

Re: Blizzard about vanilla server (may 2015)

by euphie » Wed May 27, 2015 9:59 pm

Blizzard won't make a vanilla server because it won't make them as much money, they think.
The current WoW blizzard is maintaining is more tailored for the generation of ADHD kids. No they don't have ADHD, but its a great way to describe their manner of playing games these days. Very casual, very short and jump-in and not thinking very hard with short attention spans. And maybe the majority of gamers fall more towards this stereotype which is why Blizzard focuses towards this?
(or maybe the games these days make the gamers this way, but that's another discussion)

Secondly, the current WoW makes lots of mounts and pets and things to sell on the cash shop. (I have never played retail so I actually don't know this for fact, but I'm pretty sure this is part of their revenue). I find this part very gross, its just unnecessary spam. And it really devalues the rewarding feeling of playing out the game and working for stuff. The current wow just lives on a system of adding more and more things. Analogy: A good game like chess doesn't need to add new pieces to it. Just keep the game as it is, I myself get tired of the constant influx of new items in MMOs these days.

If they made a vanilla wow server, their only profit should be from subscriptions. Because I don't think the community would want them to have a cash shop selling mounts and releasing new content(new mounts, consumables, or whatever) that was never in Vanilla.

And lastly, what about the inevitable inflation on Vanilla? I don't know how that's gonna work, this is my first time on Vanilla. Inflation is a main problem I always wish to be solved. There have to be gold sinks that work.
And maybe I'm wrong, maybe inflation won't happen.
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