Deyna wrote:Gratz!! Ironically I was just about to make a thread asking if nost had any grand marshals.

is there a high warlord yet? Also, is nost honor pre or post nerf? (Pre nerf meaning only 1 rank 14 a week, needing to be #1 for like 4 weeks straight to go from 13-14?) if pre nerf, even more grats!
Steezy should be High Warlord on Wednesday next week, unless he will be a few % away and will need an extra week.
It's a mix of pre/post but hard to judge because of the massive server population and thus the huge player pool. RP gains and the amount of people getting certain amount of RP is settled in brackets and the bigger the player pool, the more players can be in each bracket (each 1k RP is one bracket (i.e. 12999-12000 is bracket 1 which has been standing 2 to 9/10 the last few weeks)).