by LeChat » Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:31 pm
My leveling route
-Elwyn-love the begining of Defias questline when you have to kill the goblin at the dock, love the overall atmosphere, love killing Princess, love the lover's quest and Goldtooth^^
-Westfall-of course the followup of the Defias questline and Deadmines, but also...the freaking Catpain Sander's treasure hunt!!! And the remote Lighthouse where i love to stare at the sunset on Westfall, best time for questing in Westfall is IMO afternoon/late afternoon when the sun is falling in the sea *_*
-Redrige Mounts-Lakeshire is awsome, and all the zone leads to final quests which you can"t do alone in Stonewatch an introduction to the Blackrock Orc clan, also like the questline with the tower in Elwyn starting from a dropable quest item.
-Darkshire-mothefucking Stalvan's Legend questline, introduction to Worgens, and of course all the cimetery quests^^
-Stranglehorn Vale-Nesingwary FTW, I just LOVE emptying my bags every 5 seconds to store more paper^^, love the PvP, love the Bloodsail questlines and the King Mukla one^^
-Tanaris-here comes my second tresaure hunting quest!!! Overall a place I like, you also have the escort of the robot-beacon, and an introduction to silithides.
-Un'Goro-absolutely love this place even though it's a pain to quest in...but Linken questline oO and farming my Devilsaur patterns:p
I guess after I'll just wander around Fellwood/winterspring to hit 60.