- Found out about talentpoints at lvl 28. That's a WoW record?
- Found a green chest at lvl 13. Thought I have found a really treasure.
- At lvl 8, I constantly ran into Western Plaguelands only to get instakilled by the lvl ?? spiders and bears. I really had no clue.
- I didn't know anything about dungeons. I died many times trying to run through RFC, because I didn't know anything.
- I was a clicker for a very long time
- Ran my first dungeon BFD. I was keyboard turning for hard, ran in wrong directions, my pet was on aggressive and had growl on. I wasn't really popular, what a disaster I must have been. Later, I was kicked from the group - today I understand why.
- I was told to buy water for restoring mana. I bought it at the auctionhouse for a very high price. I wished I knew vendors sold it.