ninjacarldk wrote:Bioness wrote:Either quest in a group, be smarter about where you quest (e.g avoiding zones like Stanglethorn Vale and Tanaris), or get good by being awake of your surroundings and always prepared in case of a bank.
Were would i quest besides Stranglethorn vale? Arathi Highlands and Desolace both seem rather sparse on quests.
But i actually did quest in both areas, and i was still subject to a lot of ganking, especially in Desolace for some reason.
Your only other options would be to run dungeons (which give crap exp but good items) or grind in an area where few people quest.
For example for levels 47-52 one could grind on Incendosaurs in the Searing Gorge as their associated quest isn't in the game, their scales serve little purpose at the moment, and they are located in a relatively isolated area underground. I was able to grind on them for 3 hours during peak time without any disruption. I said, you just have to know where to look.