laroussi2018 wrote:Zoey_Urbina wrote:I'll keep myself short so the OP can understand. Your butthurt, you failed at something and now you're complaining and whining because Nostalrius won't clean up your mess. As an result you're trying to diminish their reputation by claiming something that's not even remotely true so once again... Nostralrius isn't here to clean your diapers. to read
The GM stated a flaw in the system and you're trying to antagonize the staff by telling everyone about the flaw in the system.
The GMs aren't developers or admins. Just learn to accept the flaw in the system they currently have until they make a revision as to where its more secure.
If you have a problem with this system, PM Viper explaining why this password reset function is flawed. Throw in examples just like this.
Are you done trying to throw every post in their respective user's face now? You got your reply from Viper because you didn't state your point at all in the main post so you ruined your one chance at having a reply from an admin in this thread because of this.