(semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Fury » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:04 am

Cataclysm wrote:sounds awful
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Ike » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:10 am

Sable wrote:Hello Hi Excuse Me. This is not a fun server. This is a super serious BLIZZLIKE server.

So what? Read what he says, this isn't suggestion.

The ironman challenge is actually quite fun. I tried it on retail and got ganked with level 50 or so - should've tried it on a pve server...
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Orcduck » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:31 am

Terrible idea.

Especially as the vast majority of players are working adults, they probably don't want the added stress of constantly worrying about their character dying (and hence losing it permanently).
Senior Sergeant
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by whitekidney » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:35 am

Orcduck wrote:Terrible idea.

Especially as the vast majority of players are working adults, they probably don't want the added stress of constantly worrying about their character dying (and hence losing it permanently).

Then you shouldn't play a hardcore character. It's a choice.
Senior Sergeant
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Kurt » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:53 am

TheLockKing wrote:
Garfunkel wrote:I'm unaware of any large MMO that did something this harsh. Even Ultima Online didn't include it. It wouldn't work for instances or raids unless you always brought a warlock along.

Age of Conan has a difficulty mode that's basically this. If you die and aren't rezzed within 6 hours, your character is permanently dead.

Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Alterego » Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:01 am

Cataclysm wrote:sounds awful


Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Gabgab » Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:57 am

sometimes i imagined how it would be if there was a permadeath WoW server but you'd need to completely revamp the loot system

rare mobs would need to drop 1 random blue/epic appropriate lvl item for every player in the group that tagged the rare
t1 would need to start dropping off of lvl 50+ dungeons/rares or as long chain quest rewards (aka tirions questchain)
t2 in MC
t3 in BWL
hell t4 in naxx :mrgreen:

1-60 leveling wouldnt change much, regular questing just needs to be done more cautious (and maybe encouraged group play by increasing the gained exp with each party member instead of decreasing it) while 5man dungeons would need their item drops increased in quantity AND quality to make it worth the risk
hell, raid bosses from MC and upwards would need to drop at least 20 items at once, each one having the entire loottable from the raid (except for weapons)
add other (passive) ways of getting items, like daily quests or a point system (aka 2.4 patch which greatly increased the availability of epic items)

too much work to realize it imo and it would be a pain in the ass to build raid groups, there'd probably be only one per server, if at all

obviously the permadeath would be disabled in battlegrounds, and the server probably would have to be pve with pvp being toggled
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Grava » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:26 pm

Gabgab wrote:sometimes i imagined how it would be if there was a permadeath WoW server but you'd need to completely revamp the loot system

rare mobs would need to drop 1 random blue/epic appropriate lvl item for every player in the group that tagged the rare
t1 would need to start dropping off of lvl 50+ dungeons/rares or as long chain quest rewards (aka tirions questchain)
t2 in MC
t3 in BWL
hell t4 in naxx :mrgreen:

1-60 leveling wouldnt change much, regular questing just needs to be done more cautious (and maybe encouraged group play by increasing the gained exp with each party member instead of decreasing it) while 5man dungeons would need their item drops increased in quantity AND quality to make it worth the risk
hell, raid bosses from MC and upwards would need to drop at least 20 items at once, each one having the entire loottable from the raid (except for weapons)
add other (passive) ways of getting items, like daily quests or a point system (aka 2.4 patch which greatly increased the availability of epic items)

too much work to realize it imo and it would be a pain in the ass to build raid groups, there'd probably be only one per server, if at all

obviously the permadeath would be disabled in battlegrounds, and the server probably would have to be pve with pvp being toggled

Lol you went all out, and for that I'm grateful. But I gave you the entire rule set in the first post. Nothing would change about loot. Not extra drops. No t2 in molten core. Literally exactly the same. You'd just have to be insanely careful. Lots of out of combat people and ressers. It would be such an accomplishment for anyone to down rag this way. Or nef. God it would be incredible I think. Lol oh well :)
Sonic - level 12 Night Elf Rogue
Hobbes - level 1 Night Elf Druid
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by hoofhearted » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:28 pm

I love the idea but no. Lag spikes that wipe raids are too annoying when you worked years in some cases to get where you are. Also unflagged shaman drops aoe fire totem stealthed flagged rogue is waiting in the radius bam. There are dozens of tricks to get someone into pvp that arent flagged. Anyone that didnt have vanish / travel in a pack would be toast for the hordes (pun intended) of undead rogues that would exist solely for the purpose of ganking. Alt f4 during fights to avoid death etc etc. Too many things that would make hardcore mode on this game not fun.

Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by birky » Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:17 am

lol i'd play on this!
though there's a server similar to this but not up yet, look for "yhool"
EDIT: found the url back www.yhool.gg
Last edited by birky on Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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