my favorite moment happened on my 19 twink mage
on my battlegroup (Vengeance - US) there was a lot of trash talk between twink guilds and who was better etc etc. so our guild leader scheduled a 10v10 twink premade vs a rival alliance guild.
I was late getting to the game but luckily a guild member saved a spot for me and I finally was able to enter after only 5 minutes had passed in game.
it was my job as the stam / intellect stacking mage to sit on defense with our druid FC, 2 healers, and 1 warlock
it was my main job to spam rank 1 frostbolt with the 1 second cast time on every enemy i saw and to polymorph the enemy priests so they couldn't dispel.
it was an epic 1 hour match that we eneded up winning here is a SS was my first time experiencing a "competative" game and it being 10v10 made it more epic, i could not sleep that night my adrenaline was still pumping lol
btw my keybinds were next level back then ^_^
and does anybody recognize the unit frames addon?