diogenes wrote:Vanilla wow is not very streamlined, even in comparison to BC, with its leveling process. There are tons of quests that take you to, not just another zone, a completely different continent. Usually doing those quests are not very efficient in their exp to time ratio, but that's part of what makes the game more adventurous and more like an organic world.
BC questing is really streamlined. The quest hubs are well-defined, and always have 2-4 quests that take place within the same general area, then a quest to lead you on to the next quest hub. You're never just wandering around like "omfg where are the quests?!" like in Vanilla.
Like, I'm actually having to look up quest guides and such, just to find out where the questgivers are in some zones. A bit annoying, but honestly, it's fun doing these quests that I never even knew existed. I never did these quests even on retail. (I'm a late-BC baby, so I leveled with the nerfed 1-60 exp requirements!)
diogenes wrote:My suggestion is that if you're worried about the time it will take to get to 60, then just don't worry about getting to 60.
But getting to max level is my focus, as max level is where all of my favorite content is!
Though really, I'm not stressed or worried about it anymore. I'm honestly having so much fun that I'm re-living that "addicted to WoW" phase I went through back when I first played. Playing 5-6 hours per day and having a blast despite the slow leveling speed. I'm just under 2 days /played, and almost to level 30.
diogenes wrote:There are TONS of people leveling, questing, and doing dungeons 1-59. Unlike many other servers, especially many servers that give you greater than 1x experience, it can be very difficult to find groups. Here on this server, it isn't so difficult to find some people who want to do an elite or group quest with you.
Yeah, this server's population is insane. I've run DM, Stocks and BFD so far. Fun times. And yeah, on a highrate vanilla server I played, sub-55 dungeons (except BRD) were completely ignored because everyone could just zip to 60 in a couple days. The only dungeons anyone ever ran were BRD, strat/scholo, and DM. That is, if you could even find a group with the ridiculously low population....
diogenes wrote:For example, grinding just rank 12-13 is going to be significantly longer than leveling. Even if you take 3-4 months to get 60, you're looking at least at that amount of time and possibly a few more months to get to that pvp rank.
Eh, I was never a PvP person. Only time I ever PvP'd semi-seriously was back in patch 3.3, when Shadow priests were insanely OP in random Bgs. Was fun melting faces in heroic ICC gear, and getting ragewhispers from horde warriors after I disarm their bladestorm
diogenes wrote:With the other expansions, Blizzard focused almost exclusively on endgame content. With Vanilla, that really isn't the case. This game is a blast to play even if you're not 60, which isn't really the case with the ladder expansions.
The other expansions are "focused on endgame content" because they're just 10 levels of questing content then a bunch of dungeons and raids. Vanilla is 60 levels of questing content with many dungeons of varying levels all throughout. 1-60 at 1x can take 1-2 months. 60-70 at 1x can take less than a week. Bit of a difference there.