Lazermon wrote:My second and final gripe with nostalrius is your irrational bugfixing priorities. Items with incorrect stats (+ items that should be in the game), class bugs and raid content that had (and have) bugs in it does not seem to be your top priority (behind stability and security). Your video and pride of Pyrewood Village was the prime joke in the guild for a very long time. In the beginning we fought for it. We kept contacting you about items that should be in the game, without us reporting it to you, ragnaros and onyxia wouldnt have dropped a single offpiece. In the end, we lost our spark there. We expected bugs such as totems resisting, aoe not stacking on top of each other, bosses not properly reseting their hp, world boss respawn timers to all be fixed within days, but weeks came and went, months came and went, and while some bugs were eventually fixed, it was clear that you didn't really care much for the quality of your end-game content. Some people would say that this is a positive thing, a lot of people never reach this content, and they care about other things. We, however, say that you not prioritizing our raid content is a dealbreaker, and when getting something fixed here require the players to spend half of their day finding 10 year old information proving what they know is right, submitting said information to your bug tracker, and then pray that you give a flying fuck for 2 months, then the motivation just isn't there.
It might be a coincidence but this is exactly how that one Russian server, that took over 6 years to release Nef, handles bugs.
"Yo guys, wanna finish up BWL maybe?" "Nah. The lazy peons don't always have the correct dialog. That takes priority."