by whitestarrising » Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:16 am
I was on the fence about this issue for a time leading up to launch. Playing this afternoon/evening, I have to cast my vote to increase spawn time in the starter zones. I have no problem with grinding, but there are simply no mobs to grind. In a 5 man group we averaged VERY few mobs/hour in Teldrassil. All the mobs that spawned would be instantly tagged and killed, and a whole cluster of people would be standing in that spot waiting for the respawn. The more you move around, the fewer mobs you could effectively tag, as there was already someone standing there waiting. Of the 6 hours I played today, at least 4-5 of them were standing around waiting for the mass respawn, and I didn't find that particularly enjoyable, blizzlike or not.