First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Talesavo » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:24 pm

SloppyBeaver wrote:Ill just do a quick reply because Im not going to explain why i quit. I requested in our guild forums on a PM to have the next Bonereaver's (I have passed on 4 2 handers in the past month). I have attended 17 raids with Ouroboros and have geared up while tanking for multiple guildies. There was hostility between the guild since the GM/master looter tried to split the guild on Thursday. After the guild worked things out they completely ignored me for the request for the 2 hander and gave it to a new raider who has never attended a raid with us before, and also /gquit that night. I quit Ouro not beacuse of the item itself it was the fact that the leadership was so corrupt and all of them raid logged and never helped with anything. They all had epic mounts while tanks struggled to farm their own raid consumables. The item, and the way it was passed to a new recruit was just the powder keg to EVERYONE in the guild. If you dont know what happened next ask anyone in <Entitled>. Over 20 people /gquit from Ouroboros to follow me because they knew that guild was falling apart and they screwed me over 5 weeks in a row with 2 handers.

Edit: I didn't want the legendary I wanted to sword. I am exalted with Stormpike, im not buying the unstopable force when I am/was/still am in a raiding guild to get a better weapon.

Two sides to every story, sorry I flamed. :(

-those fucks at blizzard banned talesavo13. :(
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by SloppyBeaver » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:40 pm

NP man. It was funny tho if anyone has the actual recording of the rage the sec i lost it i would LOVE to see it >.<
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by mokie » Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:32 pm

Mopar wrote:

The most ironic part of this is that he didn't let anyone on the loot council know how much he wanted it; just freaked out once he lost the roll and it was awarded to someone else. Had he actually said something about it he would have got it.

This coming from an officer who was afraid of being kicked for talking with his other officers then communicating with them and causing half his guild to /gquit pre-ony raid during a non-progression patch 8^)

"We don't have any loot rules based on PvP items yet" Meanwhile the four enforcing the lack of rules they made have been officers for multiple months zzz

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Undertanker » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:03 pm

Sad when guild drama breaks people apart. Leadership roles are not easy, much harder than other expansions as with so many people in guild, tention starts with did I get an invite. you have to then cater (to a certain extent) to 39 people on a nightly basis.

It starts with setting expectations before hand, stern but positive communication, and leading by example.

Raid logging does you no good in the long run. Command a physical presence outside of raiding, will earn you respect in raiding. You will also be able to help up and coming members get pre raid VBiS, keeping your stable of player base up and with better loot. Community is built during these times.

I do not agree with first timers getting highly sought after loot, tough this goes back to was an expectation set before hand. People will guild hop, be mindful of this, and your core raiders need to keep good attendance to not give these types the chance to snag the popular items.

No loot system is perfect, our team uses DKP, with restrictions on class spec of certain items. Even if there was a perfect system, somebody is still going to get their feelings hurt.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Proctologist » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:31 pm

fukkin nerds

Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.

Hunter + Priest PvE/PvP PoV.
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:34 pm

Proctologist wrote:fukkin nerds

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Neptunetitus » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:46 pm

Just a question for an officers or founders of entitled. Did you really think that having a guild name like entitled would attract anything more than a bunch of douchebags and spoiled brats? Your guild was doomed to failure the moment you gave it such a stupid name. If you really thought that any decent people would join a guild with the name "Entitled", you're a huge idiot. The server is better off without you.

Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by SloppyBeaver » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:54 pm

Neptunetitus wrote:Just a question for an officers or founders of entitled. Did you really think that having a guild name like entitled would attract anything more than a bunch of douchebags and spoiled brats? Your guild was doomed to failure the moment you gave it such a stupid name. If you really thought that any decent people would join a guild with the name "Entitled", you're a huge idiot. The server is better off without you.

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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by The Shortest Path » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:02 pm

Neptunetitus wrote:Just a question for an officers or founders of entitled. Did you really think that having a guild name like entitled would attract anything more than a bunch of douchebags and spoiled brats? Your guild was doomed to failure the moment you gave it such a stupid name. If you really thought that any decent people would join a guild with the name "Entitled", you're a huge idiot. The server is better off without you.

I'm pretty sure there are guilds with way worse names that have done way better for themselves. This is a really shitty post and you should feel bad for making it.
The Shortest Path
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Re: First legendary drops, Tank ragequits from loot council

by Badtank » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:49 pm

Neptunetitus wrote:Just a question for an officers or founders of entitled. Did you really think that having a guild name like entitled would attract anything more than a bunch of douchebags and spoiled brats? Your guild was doomed to failure the moment you gave it such a stupid name. If you really thought that any decent people would join a guild with the name "Entitled", you're a huge idiot. The server is better off without you.

Shit boys TIL guild names dictate your play-style and we are doomed to fail. Better pack up both of our two full clear molten core groups and go home. It's almost as if our name is a joke. Apparently much like our guild.
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