Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Turdowizz » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:38 pm

What if it were possible that I could solo MC by my own? Any sensible person would complain about it and say "hey this needs to be changed" even you. Does that make everyone just jelly and it should not be fixed? This is not how WoW is meant to be you know it and everyone else knows it, but I can see you just want to continue abusing the current situation.

Only thing the devs have to do is to make DM tribute and maraudon so that its not profitable to solo them or just make them impossible to solo by other means. Its not that hard.

Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Ohr » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:45 pm

If you were able to do it in retail, I wouldn't complain, I'd reroll to the same class.

Who are you to tell us "how WoW is meant to be"? Nost is mean to be how blizzard retail was in vanilla. The same thing was done in retail, the same thing will be done here. If you dislike the server it is your choice whether you want to continue playing on it.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Bazinga » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:56 pm

Viper wrote:E - Permanent ban.: Most serious sanction. Permanent bans are rare but definitive. This sanction is applied in case of multiple violations of the rules, or after multiple account interruption, as well as any of the following:


Abuse of major in-game bugs;

Ohr wrote:Every single group that did tribute (way back when dm was released), would splitpull the boss with a hunter or a rogue or a lock with soulstone. How bout we ban all of them too?

Ehh yes?! If poeple in my groups try/want to exploit something i tell them to stop or just leave those groups.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Holmes » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:06 pm


well it seems like the king should be permanently linked with the overseer
thats why he's not pulling the king solo here: ?
so it actually seems to be a bug, thus doing it would be bug-abusing.

but like another bug abuse you can read here: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=17633
the devs and most of the ppl do not care if you abuse it or not. sadly, if this king should really not be solo-pullable, as most hunters are doing him.

but this feign-death trick hunters use should work for most mobs afaik. only on some that are permanently linked not.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Luciphur » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:02 pm

DM North was soloed by hunter @ retail, there's even some videos about it on Youtube.

Rogues can solo BRD and farm Dark Iron ores there with similiar results. Some other classes (namely paladins) can solo Undead instances. Be creative, find some other spot to farm, and you will never be short of gold :) Dont blame other classes, just be creative.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Stalk » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:06 pm

Ohr wrote:If you were able to do it in retail, I wouldn't complain, I'd reroll to the same class.

Who are you to tell us "how WoW is meant to be"? Nost is mean to be how blizzard retail was in vanilla. The same thing was done in retail, the same thing will be done here. If you dislike the server it is your choice whether you want to continue playing on it.

You can watch all of the Hunter vs. World videos. In no way does that hunter solo the King Gordok like it is done on Nostalrius. You cannot split pull the boss away from Cho'Rush on retail.


The drop chance of books on our server is too high also. One of our guild's hunters had gotten 3 Foror's in less than 500 kills. The listed drop chance on Allakhazam was .13% chance to drop from the King.

Source: ... wmob=11501

Notice also the hunter in mail is taking less than 500 damage per hit from the King. I take 700+ damage from the King in maximum possible armor in Dire Bear Form. This server is seriously fucked up with respect to the design decisions that have been made.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Chillout » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:21 pm

I don't know about you guys but I was farming it without splitpulling when DM was released and it only takes few minutes longer, max range viper stinging around the big circle. Fixing splitpull makes no difference.

It's 10 year old game, people know max efficiency by now. Level alt farmer like most people who care about money. Fixing something that isn't broken isn't blizzlike, not talking about splitpull.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Ohr » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:34 pm

King oneshots you 50% of the time if you're wearing mail. Mortal strike crits me for 3700 damage the second he gets close.If he did 500 damage he'd be a joke to solo.
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by Xylon666Darkstar » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:43 pm

Stalk wrote:
Ohr wrote:If you were able to do it in retail, I wouldn't complain, I'd reroll to the same class.

Who are you to tell us "how WoW is meant to be"? Nost is mean to be how blizzard retail was in vanilla. The same thing was done in retail, the same thing will be done here. If you dislike the server it is your choice whether you want to continue playing on it.

You can watch all of the Hunter vs. World videos. In no way does that hunter solo the King Gordok like it is done on Nostalrius. You cannot split pull the boss away from Cho'Rush on retail.


The drop chance of books on our server is too high also. One of our guild's hunters had gotten 3 Foror's in less than 500 kills. The listed drop chance on Allakhazam was .13% chance to drop from the King.

Source: ... wmob=11501

Notice also the hunter in mail is taking less than 500 damage per hit from the King. I take 700+ damage from the King in maximum possible armor in Dire Bear Form. This server is seriously fucked up with respect to the design decisions that have been made.

Killed King solo 200+ time, never got a class book drop off him, or Treant's Bane. Only the green books. Some people are just luckier than others. You also have to keep the large population of the server in mind. The book drop chance is fine.

And yeah, idk what bullshit you're spewing, by a single mortal strike typically wtfpwns me if I let him get to close. :D
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Re: Make it impossible to solo DM North as a "HUNTER"

by IAMSADWARVENS » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:41 pm

People soloed it in vanilla, so thats why hunters are doing it here.
Nostalrius wont change anything because soloing DM happened in vanilla.
Iamsahunter: Level 60 Orc Hunter
Iamsawarlock: Level 31 Undead Warcock
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