Talesavo wrote:Warstomp - Good against everbody
On on demand stun is one of the single most powerful abilities you can have in the game, it's downside is the distance you need to be, so its certainly the weakest of the big 3, but stuns are stuns at the end of the day.
Anyone willing to trade all their racials on the Horde side that isn't a troll for Shadowmeld is insane.
I will gladly trade my warstomp to shadowmeld without any thoughts. 2s stun with 2m cd is just a single stun (which can be easiliy replaced with 2-3s 1m cd range grenades), and you have no idea how often i was killed just because i didn't have shadowmeld and wasn't be able to drink in leveling wpvp, especially at stv
having ability to replenish some mana in stealth can be useful even in 60 lvls bgs, you can waste all your mana and drink safely right in the middle of a fight, and then start casting right from stealth and save yourself ~1sec for first cast before you got revealed