It's not about Feenix not wanting to be Blizzlike; it's all about Feenix being shit at coding (or simple laziness) and that most of their player base can't tell the difference between TBC and Vanilla (which you have proven by your post).
It's fine to be wrong about things, we all are at times, but then don't act like some entitled brat afterwards.
gussman wrote:#1 'Output lag' as in pressing an ability and it takes like 0.5-1 sec for the character to respond.
Is this something that I can improve on my end or is it something I've got to live with?
It can be an huge obstacle in PvP for many classes (not saying the lag is huuge but it can definitely affect gameplay I think, in an annoying way).
I'm sure you're talking about the server lag that happens after 6k people log on, which gets gradually worse as it nears 9k players, however there is some delay that is actually blizzlike that this server does not have as far as I can tell:
If you watch you can clearly see that his Frost Shock does not apply instantly as it does here. He wasn't lagging, to confirm this also watch and see for yourself. I'm sure if they implemented the delay you would probably complain that it wasn't like that in vanilla retail.