New server countdown thread!

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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Petroix » Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:34 pm

Why are you so excited? I think there are no many players that wants to abandon their characters and start again from 0.
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by MUSASHI » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:37 pm

Petroix wrote:Why are you so excited? I think there are no many players that wants to abandon their characters and start again from 0.

lol, OFC there are...

People already with some 60 on this server, pvp gear up, pve gear up... waiting for BWL... and ZG...

So yes, sure there will be lot of alts, growing same as here, but i feel original Nos (pvp) will die after a couple of month.... casuals will level on new one, Hardcore gamer will create same on both but leave PvP after a wile because there is no point to level up on both..

I dont think 2nd server is a smart move at all... but lets see....

BTW i remember the pain the first 5 days on this levelling was nearly impossible because of overfarm at lowbies zones. Remember en PvE you cant clean a zone of allies or horde. = Even more overfarm... good luck...
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Zaft » Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:26 am

MUSASHI wrote:
Petroix wrote:Why are you so excited? I think there are no many players that wants to abandon their characters and start again from 0.

lol, OFC there are...

People already with some 60 on this server, pvp gear up, pve gear up... waiting for BWL... and ZG...

So yes, sure there will be lot of alts, growing same as here, but i feel original Nos (pvp) will die after a couple of month.... casuals will level on new one, Hardcore gamer will create same on both but leave PvP after a wile because there is no point to level up on both..

I dont think 2nd server is a smart move at all... but lets see....

I agree with you that people with 60s will actually join the PvE server, that could be in the terms of just alts, or a fresh start for that matter. Some of the smurfs might turn into mains, however, I highly doubt that the majority of players from the PvP realm will be rerolling, so don't worry: It won't destroy the current server.

I actually do see a point to level up on both, though that is probably not the case for everyone.

We'll see if it's a smart move or not, only time will tell (if it even becomes a reality).

MUSASHI wrote:BTW i remember the pain the first 5 days on this levelling was nearly impossible because of overfarm at lowbies zones. Remember en PvE you cant clean a zone of allies or horde. = Even more overfarm... good luck...

That is a legitimate problem, but it will fix itself after a few weeks when people start expanding throughout Azeroth and Kalimdor. At least you won't be forced into huge PvP battles for mobs (though that would be quite badass).
Last edited by Zaft on Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Petroix » Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:29 am

Yep you're right I think the same about pvp realm future when pve will come out.

But maybe they could make a cross realm? I don't know what it's called but on retail there are battlegroups that players from different servers can play together pvp/pve. Could it be possible here?
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Zaft » Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:30 am

The different realms will be stuck at different "patches", with different items, both in terms of stats and items not being available, and this it wouldn't really be doable.
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by PeaceHammer » Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:19 pm

76 hours, 40 minutes!
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Holmes » Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:24 pm

i wouldnt be surprised if patches came much faster for the PvE realm since they are already done so maybe in 1/2 - 1 year both realms are head to head contentwise
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Crysthal » Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:50 pm

Well I will continue playing horde on pvp and make some ally alts on pve but just alts
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by DeeMarie » Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:02 pm

You realise the server isn't opening on Sunday, they're just testing to see how popular PvE may or may not be. They might scrap the whole idea if there isn't interest and if they don't, it might not open for a couple of months anyway.

Don't want to be a killjoy, I really hope the server is successful since hardly anyone in the private space is doing PvE.
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Re: New server countdown thread!

by Zaft » Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:14 pm

If they do decide to make a new realm (which is very likely considering the overwhelming response so far) it's probably going to be released soon, before the hype dies down and people forget about it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a new realm some time next month if they decide to release one.

I have a feeling that the AV test was mainly used to test the hardware to prepare for a new realm, and not the other way around. It doesn't seem very likely that they would pay for such expensive hardware that can take up to 5000 people if they didn't have any plans to put it to use. It would make much more sense to lease a server if it was something to be used only once in a while.

When you think about it, It's actually quite genius to tell us that we need to get a lot of people on for Sunday to make it happen, that way we tell all our friends and post on reddit and similar sites to make people show up, thus creating hype for the new server. If it was a sure thing not as many people would know about it because not as many people would bother spreading the news. When they release the news that there will actually be a new server they will get another round of hype and exposure even bigger than it would originally be. I might overestimate the "cleverness" of the Nostalrius crew, but I actually think they already know that there is enough of a player base already waiting for a PvE server. We have to understand that Nostalrius is the server that was incredibly hyped, so they obviously have some sort of an understand of how to create hype surrounding a new server.
Last edited by Zaft on Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:44 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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