Killing flight masters to keep people from leaving so you can continue to farm a small amount of honor, till its non-existent then just killing people just because.
Its not a matter of skill locked or skill capped players, its a matter of some horde being overly toxic with their "idea of pvping".
Over all i hope they do go with the PvE server because it will open the server up to people who cant handle being camped 8 hrs a day for just being near some lowbie who whines when they lose a fight they picked.
As not everyone has that amount of time to play daily and the idea of being camped while trying to level just becomes annoying and frustrating to the point that they give up and leave the server as a whole.
It should be a healthy balance and open a window for those that dont have the time/stomach to deal with a pure PvP server.
Not to mention increase the overall pop for the private server as a whole. I believe it will be a positive more than a negative, and i welcome anyone on the PvE server should it be released.
So far i've enjoyed Nostalrius, despite the constant overwhelming amount of rank 11+ horde camping certain zones just for giggles or between ques.
Thanks for bringing back the classic experience, its the part of the game i enjoyed the most.
PS: Sure the World PvP wont be the same because its not forced that's just silly to think that, but it wont be non-existent, i played a PvE server on live in classic and we raided horde towns all the time.
The instant go to is "omg noobs", could you i dunno maybe not try to insult possible future players that may join Nostalrius because of a PvE server?
Its not all about you, its about everyone as a whole and as far as i am concerned PvE or PvP server doesn't mean a thing as long as people are enjoying themselves and playing on this server that is all that matters in the end.
PvP as far as BGs go are about the same on a PvE server as it is on a PvP server, I'd say yeah some more hardcore players may want PvP 24/7 hence why they roll on a PvP server, but that's not for everyone and never would be for everyone because not everyone is the same!
Yes, i have 60s on the PvP server, would i roll a character on the PvE server? Sure would, a break from the constant "ermagerd im an undead rogue durdurrdur, rasp rasp rasp, -arms flailing about- let me murder you on your way to just about anywhere", without any real challenge, lol stunlock.
I do not think anyone should have to deal with constant ganking leveling or not and everyone's response being "ermagerd its a pvp server deal with it", the live PvP servers weren't remotely this gankfesty, in fact most the pvp servers were pretty tame till end game, then sometimes you might get into a spat outside a raid.
Depends how froggy you felt right that moment because chaos could occur at just one attack, Good times.
Also did this post get really long? I think it did. My bad, wasn't aware how strongly i felt about options.