by Oitake » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:57 am
I used to be on an RP PvE server and there were so many runs towards other towns, it was a plural-times-a-week-thing by one person alone, not to mention all the other runs. That is, before they made the guards extremely strong in... what was it? Cata?
And when alliance would attack us we all would go and defend. There was a ton of pvp in that sense.
Just not the ganking, and STV was a zone you could actually level through (one of my favourites). I leveled flagged 24/7 and if I got ganked by some high level character I would call for help and many would answer.
It's really not that different, if you don't count people looking for unfair fights, endless ganking and not being able to choose your leveling zone. Don't get me wrong, I like PvP servers as well, but it's so full of rogues and mages it's not funny anymore.
I'll just leave my pvp characters on the pvp server, and make pve characters on the pve server. I'm pretty sure more people are like me: not one or the other, but both.
In other words, be careful who you call a carebear... they might just plant a knife in your eye to see if it grows pretty flowers.
There are no two sides, there's only the group.