I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by RamataKahn » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:45 am

gotmilk0112 wrote:
Cortana wrote:"Carebear " is just a term that people use from time to time and that's about it , I find it funny compared to all the nasty stuff you can see posted on the interwebz.

Well yeah, duh. I just see "pve carebear pve carebear" tossed around so much. Because apparently you're not hardcore unless you get ganked all the time.

It's really only directed at people who complain about pvp on a pvp server or want to change it. The PVEs who keep quite don't get called it.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by sojs » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:14 am

The only people who have a problem with the PvP server are the braindeads who don't group with others, half the people on my friends list I met randomly in the world by partying with them to keep myself safe from ganks. WoW is a social game with a low skill cap based heavily on teamwork and it blows my mind when people try to play it solo

I'll be waiting with my popcorn for the QQ threads when certain players obtain complete control of the herb, elemental, devilsaur, mining markets because they can't be ganked and have low enough ping to never be out tagged
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Syff » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:49 am

I personally enjoy questing in places like STV , that experience gets kind ruined with all the constant (high level) ganking thats going on. Don't get me wrong i like my share of PVP from time to time but atm after reaching lvl 30 its basicly GG atm (alliance side)
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Tekko » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:55 am

It's so people that like ganking lowbies in the open world can feel better about themselves.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Two » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:40 am

Anyone who wants to do "professional" PvP will be in the BGs anyways in WoW, so what you encounter during world ganking are those players that for some reason don't want to or are not skilled enough for real PvP. Some just pass-by and kill you for the lolz, some camp you because they finally found someone they can actually beat at their skill level (20 levels below and only with support of a friend).

The human psyche is sometimes fun and pretty good at lying to itself. Repeatedly killing defenseless enemies is stupid, but if you lie to yourself you could call yourself "PvP winner" and just ignore the fact that you are not. Now with the announcement of the PvE server those people are afraid that they might loose their easy targets and actually have to do some real PvP, in which they would loose and all those self-lying would break down on them.

So they do everything they can to keep their prey, and since the only way of human interaction they know is harassment, they do exactly that: call them names.

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Oitake » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:57 am

I used to be on an RP PvE server and there were so many runs towards other towns, it was a plural-times-a-week-thing by one person alone, not to mention all the other runs. That is, before they made the guards extremely strong in... what was it? Cata?
And when alliance would attack us we all would go and defend. There was a ton of pvp in that sense.

Just not the ganking, and STV was a zone you could actually level through (one of my favourites). I leveled flagged 24/7 and if I got ganked by some high level character I would call for help and many would answer.

It's really not that different, if you don't count people looking for unfair fights, endless ganking and not being able to choose your leveling zone. Don't get me wrong, I like PvP servers as well, but it's so full of rogues and mages it's not funny anymore.

I'll just leave my pvp characters on the pvp server, and make pve characters on the pve server. I'm pretty sure more people are like me: not one or the other, but both.

In other words, be careful who you call a carebear... they might just plant a knife in your eye to see if it grows pretty flowers.
There are no two sides, there's only the group.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Setup » Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:11 am


What about now?
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Minerals » Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:56 am

pattyb wrote:My biggest problem and the main reason I may reroll on the PVE server is because of how populated the server is. I prefer PVP and I've always played on PVP but its so overpopulated that its a huge pain. Sure I'd expect to get ganked once in a while or have some good fights but the PVP is overcrowded, its hard enough fighting with your own faction over quest drops but factor in wPVP and its insane. It's not blizzlike.

I think they need 2 seperate PvP servers...


I play on PvP Servers since day 1 in wow but this time i will start on PvE just because the PvP server is mothafuckin FULL(!!!). I love world pvp and i will miss it but i have no choice. And world PvP on a PvE is still possible and will happen.

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by pixel_pathways » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:39 am

TOVAR wrote:
pixel_pathways wrote:Now, in a game where it was designed for world PvP to be a core feature in the first place, I can understand the carebear hate. But in a game like WoW, that had both PvP and PvE servers from the beginning... I just don't understand it.

The 'world at war' feature in WoW is implemented not in a normal,but in a peculiar way. just one example: do you think possible for ONE alone yankee Union soldier (NOT being Chuck Norris) to wander off and stroll all alone all the way down to New Orleans and take part in the Mardi Gras festivity and peacefully drink a keg of beer in the middle of the main street? In warring countries, soldiers travel in formations, never alone. Platoons, companies, divisions.. And when two enemy formations meet, there is a battle. Not a bunch of Confederate expert marksmen picking off civilians in the middle of Hoboken, New York. On Nostalrius, due to the overcrowding people tend to group up a bit more while doing quests, other than that, we group almost exclusively just for dungeons and raids. in 99% cases out there in Indian Country you meet people tromping around all alone.

Ok... What does that have to do with anything I said?

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by gotmilk0112 » Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:17 pm

Syff wrote:I personally enjoy questing in places like STV , that experience gets kind ruined with all the constant (high level) ganking thats going on. Don't get me wrong i like my share of PVP from time to time but atm after reaching lvl 30 its basicly GG atm (alliance side)

For STV leveling, I found it was best to only go there in the early morning or late at night, when there are less people online. During the day, I'd hit up Desolace or Shimmering Flats or Hillsbrad, and then do STV at night. Noticeably less ganking at night.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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