by Oitake » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:42 am
I notice a big difference between EU times and when US comes online when it comes to classes/specs. During EU times, I have nothing to do as healer, it's all 'lf dps'. On US times, I'm invited even when afk just because they need healers everywhere!
So I might go as undead warlock, as I kinda fell in love with the vanilla version, and EU has less lack of tanks/healers. I remember starting a warlock as one of my last alts in retail and loving the hell out of it, but then cata happened. I never looked back... no need for undead racials or bandages, how boring.
But it depends on what my hb is going to pick, on what side and in what starter area. I like darkshore very much as well, so might pick nelf druid for alliance.
*acting as if this altoholic will stick to one char, bwhahahahaha*
There are no two sides, there's only the group.