[PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census poll

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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Crysthal » Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:46 pm

Alliance prot pala and hunter will be my first toons
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by kaba » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:37 pm

Nice to see lots of folks are taking the time to do the polls! :)

For the record I'll be rolling a Troll Hunter. Don't know yet how active I'll be but my aim is to get to 60 with as few days /played as possible.
Kaba, 60, Troll Mage
Tohi, 60, Dwarf Rogue
Kaba, 60, Troll Hunter (PvE)
Itai, 60, Gnome Warlock (PvE)
Pa, 60, Dwarf Warrior (PvE)
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Mars » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:16 am

Probably a Human warrior again.

Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Rhook » Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:34 am

I will roll a fearward bot aka dwarfen priest :p

Had to think about it some time cause i originally wanted to roll a tauren shaman since thats just my class. But i already have two shamans on 60 and im eager to see the alliance side on the new server, especially on a pve one. Really looking forward for it.

Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Arael » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:32 am

So few rogues from this pool.

A dream coming true.
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Aslan » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:29 am

Hm assuming this will really be a 60:40 in favor of alliance as it shows now... This is going to suck.
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Pallysir » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:35 am

You also have to figure, not even half of the players who were on the pve server voted on it, but hopefully at worst its around 55%-45%, 60-40 could also work but I rather see even numbers :)
Lvl 60 paladin, 20 days played, ganked 373 times
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Aslan » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:46 am

To me personally, everything beyond 55:45 would be a total killer but then again maybe it doesnt matter on a PvE server
Scar - Endurance
Aslan - The tales of a Shaman...
Raid streams; As soon as the lag is adjusted (rip)
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by Oitake » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:42 am

I notice a big difference between EU times and when US comes online when it comes to classes/specs. During EU times, I have nothing to do as healer, it's all 'lf dps'. On US times, I'm invited even when afk just because they need healers everywhere!
So I might go as undead warlock, as I kinda fell in love with the vanilla version, and EU has less lack of tanks/healers. I remember starting a warlock as one of my last alts in retail and loving the hell out of it, but then cata happened. I never looked back... no need for undead racials or bandages, how boring.

But it depends on what my hb is going to pick, on what side and in what starter area. I like darkshore very much as well, so might pick nelf druid for alliance.

*acting as if this altoholic will stick to one char, bwhahahahaha*
There are no two sides, there's only the group.
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Re: [PvE Realm] Pre-launch Alliance/Horde and class census p

by essedge » Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:30 am

thinking same thing as mentioned above, rogues seem light on both sides.

I haven't played once since retail but they were rather ezmode to level no?


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