My opinion on the DM Changes

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Bazinga » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:15 am

Datruth wrote:Btw I didn't say anything about NPCs selling major mana pots for 1g each? If those existed I'm sure you wouldn't be raging on the forums right now.

i would tho. im not interested in playing on a funserver
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Velja » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:40 am

@ Datruth I didnt replayed to you at all. It was for some other idiot.

But from ur post i see u are idiot too and cba explaining with idiot. You use 3 mana pots per MC raid? Fucking lier. You lie urself not to me. And what someoen wrote, wait BWL to come out u miserable piece of shit . YOu will see then. But as i said to the other guy ill say to you also. You will stop playing Nost in 1-2 months, maybe less . So you dont care, u just come and post some meaningless shit on forum.

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Datruth » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:37 pm

@Bazinga that will never happen anyways, so no point in takling about it

@Velja How can anyone who writes so incoherently call anyone an idiot?
I never use more than 3 major mana pots per run. Which fights do you consider to be long enough to warrant the use of mana pots? Geddon if the other people from your group isn't dispelling properly (which should never be the case) and raggy if your guild is too bad to kill it before submerge are the only examples coming to mind.

You're right about BWL though, then the prices are going to be even higher, so you may want to stock up now while they're still "cheap" :lol: for real though, if you didn't stock up while they were at 5g then you truly are a dumbass without comparison.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: My opinion on the DM Changes

by Bazinga » Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:08 pm

Datruth wrote:Btw I didn't say anything about NPCs selling major mana pots for 1g each? If those existed I'm sure you wouldn't be raging on the forums right now.

Datruth wrote:@Bazinga that will never happen anyways, so no point in takling about it

Why do u talk about it if there is no point to talk about it? :lol:
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major


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