Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by swarmhost9922 » Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:38 pm

Stone wrote:
Szabinger wrote:There was a reply in another thread. Find it...

No. There was not a SINGLE post from GMT on this matter.

Quit crying. It is a terrible guild name anyways.

Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Mugatu » Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:45 pm

You seem like a whiny cunt, Stone.
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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Stone » Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:48 pm

You seem really fanatical people. Quit being fanatics, start using your own brain (if you have one).
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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Pearlz » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:18 pm

Stone wrote:You seem really fanatical people. Quit being fanatics, start using your own brain (if you have one).

All the devs did is use common sense to stop a lame attempt at griefing.

Can you explain what makes you feel so concerned about it? I'd be interested to find out.

Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Stone » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:24 pm

Griefing? Those people probably didn't even have idea someone wants to make that guild name and even if they did how can you classify it as "griefing"? They were the first to make that guild name - it's theirs, period. NOTHING was mentioned about RESERVING a guild/character name in regulations. Since when can you RESERVE it on Nostalrius? Why I feel concerned you ask? Because I don't want to see GMs abusing their powers on Nostalrius. Yes, I play for free but that doesn't mean I can be treated like nothing.
Last edited by Stone on Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by mrmr » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:27 pm

Tbh, on this matter I'm with Stone.
There was no rule about that. Not a single mention about it.

"Reserving" is WotLK.

Could I have the name "Guybrush" back, please?
I'm not root of myself.
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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Netherfrost » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:32 am

Griefing? Those people probably didn't even have idea someone wants to make that guild name

You should know what goes on.. :D
mrmr wrote:EDIT:
Could I have the name "Guybrush" back, please?

First of all, a lot was caught in the "hehe im funny and I r has "stolen" others ppls char names and have no intention to play it" dispute. The GMs are already drawing a line between prehandedly announced guilds and charater names. Aside from that, they have said they will help all guilds in a similar situation, ie, you can get a guildname which you posted officially(read: not just a random comment on a thread) about on the forums, the forums reflect the server in way where the characters are the same as the users here.

Second of all, they have already let us know about the rule, sure it would be nice with a clear ruleset, but try making a full list for all possible scenarios.. mm not gonna work is it?

For once, try to see this from another perspective than your own.
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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Stone » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:37 am

Tell me WHERE did they let us know about this rule BEFOR the launch? Link anything: facebook post, forum post, ANYTHING... The truth is there probably wasn't such post ANYWHERE.

Netherfrost wrote:For once, try to see this from another perspective than your own.

I'm not even a member of this guild but I won't look at such things passively and that proves I'm looking beyond my own needs. This is simply one step too far and the community of this server should DEMAND explanation.
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Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by Krusher » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:48 am

there was a post about it.

it was clear names were being taken with the intention to sell and not use them and only for trolling reasons.

if you have created a guild name on the forums, and registered a website with that guild name
and you were also interested in that guildname, would you not choose another name?

i am not saying that this was also the case since i was not involved in the communications regarding this specific subject but every case has it's own investigation and not a fast judgement would be made.

in NO way any administrator or GM will have the intention to benefit players or guilds in any way.
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Stone Guard

Re: Can you please stop with the witchhunt?

by kekru » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:53 am

So are you giving something else to "big before server merged guilds" too? Maybe some free loot too, becoise why not. Right? I heard they have server gm in the guild also, thats why the fuzz.


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