r3moo wrote:No its just hard to make it understandable for a iq 10 kid like u^^
Do you even know what "IQ" stands for?
r3moo wrote:No its just hard to make it understandable for a iq 10 kid like u^^
r3moo wrote:thats a question i should ask you^^
r3moo wrote:Another one...
i accepted the answer, but Vorfidus wrote no one cares.
if no one cares, why did he write in my thread?
btw i will gank all of you!
r3moo wrote:If its not allowed the server is not 100% vanilla.
and my no one can proof if its a imaginary friend or a real friend
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
r3moo wrote:Hello!
Whats about boosting my friends account with my account?
My friends account will follow me and i play my Account. Everytime when we level my friend is at my home. He is doing the /follow command on my Character not I. Is that allowed?