Yeah, even leveling a Priest as my first toon here and my first time leveling 1x in vanilla, it only took me 9 days /played to hit 60. And that's also with doing (almost) every single dungeon as I leveled, and getting professions up as well.
On my Hunter, I'm level 50 and only at about 4 1/2 days /played.
It definitely does not take "2-3 months" to hit 60, unless you only play for like 1 hour per day.
Ana wrote:Don't go to STV. Just don't.
Ok you can go there at like lvl 40, if you go any earlier you'll hate life.
Yeah, Stranglethorn Vale is practically Ganklethorn Vale; so many horde kiddies that ride around the zone and kill any red names they see. It's kinda hard to avoid STV though, because there's a shitload of quests there; many of them easy kill quests.
If you're in America though, and can play very late at night in terms of server time, STV isn't as bad. Less people online = less gankfags.
From 30-40 I'd recommend just switching around between STV, Desolace, Arathi, and Shimmering Flats. SF also has a lot of ganking, but nowhere near as much as STV. Desolace has almost no ganking whatsoever, the place really is desolate, as the name implies. Arathi is fine so long as you stay away from Hammerfall.