madhorde wrote:This is why I dislike Vanilla, because all specs should be valid, a Prot Paladin should be as much as requested as a protection warrior is in raids.
Like others said, then why are you here?
You are not starting the game back in 2004 and wondering after hours and hours spent into developing a character why you just can't play what you want. Complaints were valid back then.
That was ELEVEN years ago. Vanilla was/is what it was/is. Deal with it, or find another server.
I was among the lucky who rolled a Warrior and wanted to tank because that felt like "heroism" for me. Turned out it actually worked. I remember people complaining why they can't do the same with a Paladin, Blizzard addressed this issue overtime, but not straigth away. I felt for them, because I found their complaints valid.
But your complaint is not valid. You know what this is all about, and the content won't be changed just so you can feel comfortable about yourself.