Lets do some math guys
Say I want the cape of the black baron (I currently do)
It has a 1/9 chance of dropping.
On average, 1 UD strat clear takes 1 hr 30 minutes (travel time + group finding time included in that).
On average if I was the only person who needed the cape in all those runs it would take on average 13.5 hours of UD strat to get the cape.
Getting such groups is easier with a guild and reserving loot (not everyone needs just the cape, other arrangements could be made to ensure the bonescrapper was reserved for someone else in the run for example).
To wuss out and not reserve loot because of bullshit threads like this, the time it would take would at least double to 27 hours of UD strath.
Organize your own runs or just simply do not join runs with loot reserved if it is against your beliefs.
To say people are not allowed to prepare better and get loot faster because you don't want to take the extra time yourself and perhaps make friends to get it done quicker is probably actually sadder than what you're complaining about in the first place.