LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by DeeMarie » Sat Oct 10, 2015 6:37 pm

Bioness wrote:Concerning if it is true because this opens up a lot of issues with addons that Blizzard and other private servers never cared about, and if said in error, then it brings up the issue of communication that the staff needs to have with the players.

Just seems poorly worded. Hunters can afk on a lot of stuff with auto shot, I'm sure they don't mean that though.

But people should be aware by now if Nos doesn't like what you're doing, no matter if you did it on live, or Blizzard allowed the addons or w/e, they WILL ban you for it. It's the risk of playing here. You can plead ignorance but they will assume you knew it was wrong (even if you didn't), I guess that's the only way to keep real exploits out of circulation, but sucks for those people who didn't intend to do anything wrong.

I thought the tradedispenser idea was awesome :p
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by zeequenz » Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:20 pm

The responses in Bioness' Ingame Mail as well as Nano's reply still doesn't make me feel more comfortable using LazyPig. I am in no means AFK when in BG's or doing Dungeons, but I am using the AutoResurrect and AutoSummon function as well as the Gossip from NPC's (like Flightmaster) of this Addon just to save like 1-2 seconds. While it could be considered an "automatic script" or whatever, I am using it for months now and have not faced a ban. Now I am not sure if I can keep this Addon or I should start turning it off as Nostalrius could all of a sudden change it's mind and ban everyone using that Addon without warning (-> Silithus Miners).

Your thoughts? Keep Addon running or turn it off?
Inzayne - Level 56 Troll Hunter
How weak must one be to get offended by mere words?
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by PriestInOurTime » Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:36 pm

The GMs haven't presented an official policy on this. And that is the reason that we see so much confusion on the issue.

If the GM team actually said straight up on the forums that anything an addon does, unless it falls under bug abuse, is ok. Then all these threads would go away mighty quick.
Pristine realms... Industrial levels of stupidity.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Robotron » Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:46 pm

I know a GM on these forums said LazyPig won't get you banned. I can't find the source right now, but I know I saw it.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by zeequenz » Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:55 pm

I saw a Post from a GM as well that SOMEONE has been banned who claimed it was because of LazyPig which the GM deconfirmed by saying he wasn't banned for LazyPig especially.
I'ma just risk it and keep using it as I just got way too comfortable with it..^^
Inzayne - Level 56 Troll Hunter
How weak must one be to get offended by mere words?
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Goldesel » Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:04 pm

type: /run if(_g_g_f == nil)then _g_g_f = CreateFrame("frame"); end function _g_g_() SitOrStand();end; if(_g_g_b == nil) then _g_g_b = 1; _g_g_f:SetScript("OnUpdate", _g_g_); else _g_g_b = nil; _g_g_f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil); end
in your chat and enjoy your ban

Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Bioness » Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:11 pm

Robotron wrote:I know a GM on these forums said LazyPig won't get you banned. I can't find the source right now, but I know I saw it.

All I've every seen a GM say about LazyPig is that someone wasn't banned for using LazyPig, not that LazyPig won't get you banned.

It is that kind of wording that confuses people.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Robotron » Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:16 pm

Bioness wrote:It is that kind of wording that confuses people.

That's actually the biggest drawback to playing on a server where the decision makers are ESL but communication is in English. The slightest changing of wording can completely alter the meaning of a sentence, and unless your English is superb, you won't be aware of these mistakes. This is absolutely nothing against the GMs/admins, but it is an unfortunate truth.
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by Dreez » Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:27 pm

Oh look, another thread of ignorant forum users acting like banning players without reason is the GM's intention

don't use anything that allows your character to do stuff in game while you are AFK and you are fine...
not that difficult to figure out...
Dreez - PvP server
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Re: LazyPig, Infinite Scrolling, tradeDispenser, and more...

by DeeMarie » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:07 pm

Dreez wrote:don't use anything that allows your character to do stuff in game while you are AFK and you are fine...

Better not afk while making a ton of rocket boots then :p
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