by mitlandyr » Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:36 pm
Lowbie Ally here.
You have my absolute support doing these kinds of things.
I personally gank a lot, but never lowbies, simply because it is not fun to me, but I do not mind it when others do that. Over many years and many different stages of playing this game, I was ganked hundreds of times by higher levels, but they were NEVER able to completely stop me from playing. I would either outsmart them with a sneaky respawn, shadowmeld, stealth, teleport, summon, or simply by bringing a higher lvl player and then helping them take down the ganker.
The only conclusion I can draw from this experience is that - people who whine how ganking ruins the game and how there are no workarounds - those people are downright BAD. Instead of thinking of a way to get out of the bad situation, they spend their time whining on forums.
And carebears, don't tell me "but I have a family and a life and can't play all day long." I personally don't spend more than 2h a day (sometimes much less than that), I have a full time job, I study and exercise... Time has nothing to do with that, just your badness...
I can't wait for the PVE server to launch, so I no longer need to read those whiny comments in trade about how "PvP servers are corrupt and there are fewer gold farmers and infernal-abandoning locks on PvE servers, because the population is more mature" (btw, I hope there are LOTS of locks abusing infernals on the PVE server).
To conclude this rant: I welcome you to bring your raid and try to gank me. You will probably take me down a few times, but eventually I will either slip away, or bring a higher level and heal them / CC you as much as I can. I will also remember your names and when I'm max level - I'll make sure you remember mine as well xD