Kil wrote:Alliance all get 3 loots. Horde get 2 loots. NOPE are using their GMs to sabotage all of horde in an effort to beat Dreamstate to the server first Hakkar and ZG clear.
lorisixx wrote:I also believe Pvent is a GM http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... ayer=Pvent shows up out of no where with a thunder fury and no past raid info.
Larsen wrote:lorisixx wrote:I also believe Pvent is a GM http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... ayer=Pvent shows up out of no where with a thunder fury and no past raid info.
Huh. I don't believe in any of the loot seed conspiracy theories, but what's the explanation for this? Pvent has Thunderfury despite clearly never looting the bindings, according to his raidinfo. The guy has been to less than ten raids and has the only TF on alliance. There may be something I'm missing. Could someone point out what?
Rottenbeauty wrote:How convenient, stop uploading MC raids and BAM, TF in hand.
Need to try that
Aklol wrote:Congratulations to NOPE on renewing their weekly subscription to GRIZZHack!
And of course, congratulations to our newest customers: My good old Valkyrie-WoW Russian friends in Summon more ziggurats.
The newest version of GRIZZHack (version 2.3) will hit the stores soon, reserve yours today!
New features will include:
Put down all suppression devices at once (thanks Feenix/Athairne)
Melee'ing through the wall on Chromaggus (also big thanks to Feenix/Athairne)
Get three pieces of chosen offset loot on every BWL boss instead of just Nefarian
Bugging out sons on Ragnaros (this was a tough remake)
Wall jump up on horde-side graveyard
Noclip yourself in to a wall with flag (special thanks to Steezy)
Instant tower destruction in AV after node claimed
Premade in to empty battlegrounds (fixed again, thanks to our Chinese friends for input)
Customer testimonials:
Miller <GRIZZLY>: Without GRIZZHack, how would we have killed Ragnaros?
<Purge>: Thanks to GRIZZHack we got both Thunderfury bindings in one run!
Steezy: I would never have got r14 without GRIZZHack! The account sharing duper paid big dividends!
Mengnan <Myth>: 我偷的所有部落的平民们站在笑感谢GRIZZHack
Pvent <Summon more ziggurats>: Путин даже не получить такого рода успеха ! Спасибо, GRIZZHack !
Vices <NOPE>: Wow! These are better drops than we got in our Team Plague GM runs!
Lighthammer wrote:If Nope cheated with GMs they would have server first TF. That horde guild who got two bindings in the same run, that's suspicious. My guild has gotten some odd drops from BWL too, notably 3 weapon drops from Nef when he should only drop one.