I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Manatouch » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:59 pm

Besides, i was really disappointed about the Kronos beta. They had to close it cos of crashes just with 1200 players. Here the server runs with +5k players without any lag.

Nos had this on first day and second wtih constant dc. Nos on release, kronos on beta. No need to be that guy: "without any lag"...

Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Garfunkel » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:05 pm

Redcap wrote:Nostalrius has a lot of good things going for it, but launching with this many bugs without a bug tracker to encourage players with the server's state and that their time is valued when it comes to helping fix things was a huge mistake. Yes, I understand that players can submit tickets to enter a bug report. But that's not the same as being able to test something in game, take screenshots or record video of what's broken, look up source links, enter a good report, and then see the results for yourself when a staff member says "this is awesome. you found something good and saved us a lot of time."

Quality players rely on being a part of the system of improving a server. Many of them aren't playing here because of this.

This is such bullshit. The number of players who bother to do that kind of exhaustive bug-squashing work is minuscule and claiming that such quality players - "many of them" - won't play because their egos are not being stroked through a bug tracker is crazy talk.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Banezilla » Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:37 pm

There are fan boys in both forums, try to see past that.

Nostalrius has already released and has a large population, people are what make mmos fun.

Will kronos have a large population? I think they lost that opportunity.

Which server week have more polish? You can find out in 20ish days on their official release. Even if they are higher quality that may not be enough for players to switch.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Melvin » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:20 am

With each passing day since the release of Nostalrius and with every bug I found my initial excitement has faded more and more. Today after finding out about another severe bug affecting my class I was even thinking about quitting altogether.
Still, I'm playing, hoping for the best, but I definitely have a different idea of how a "quality realm" should look like.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Nobbynobs » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:45 am

Melvin wrote:With each passing day since the release of Nostalrius and with every bug I found my initial excitement has faded more and more. Today after finding out about another severe bug affecting my class I was even thinking about quitting altogether.
Still, I'm playing, hoping for the best, but I definitely have a different idea of how a "quality realm" should look like.

I don't know much about class mechanics, but so far the server feels really great.

There are a couple of features that make the realm great:

+the large population
+the fact that the server is able to support such a large playerbase
+unless there is something severely game breaking, the population will never dwindle

The attitude of the administration is a tad covert, there's no arguing that, but they do get the word out eventually. For instance, the in-game bugtracker is supposedly working. I've seen silly quests such as Arugal's Folly and Pyrewood Village get fixes installed in the matter of hours. The fact that you couldn't share quests at some point was also fixed instanteously.

All in all, this server feels good. Think Wailing Caverns - the Murloc event is properly scripted. Truly, it's not 100% Blizzlike, but the AI doesn't feel dumb, although there are some encounters, Pythas I think, where you can "bug" the aforementioned lord.

But then again think of Molten WoW and Emerald Dream whose staff are arrogant nitwits and self-serving louts who mask their insencerity in filmy claptrap. They talk big, they promote core values quintessential to gaming communities such as close-knit community, reponsive administration and bug fixes, but for most of the time they dilly-dally and even tell people to go off. I need not say how Molten reacts to people who ciriticise the quality of their server on their forums. They censore, delete and ban. If I can't tell them, in a meaningful way, that there's something wrong and list my ideas and complaints, then thank you very much, but I've got better things to do than play WoW.

We will see how it goes. You want Notalrius to be up to snuff. Well so do many others! Make tickets, start discussions in the forum regarding your class and demand a reply. If you get snubbed after some time then you will have a reasonable cause to leave. Nostalrius have proven its worth in terms of bug-fixing capacity, nor has it proven incapable of solving its issues.

Whether through guile or clever advertising, Nostalrius have done the improbable. They have achieved a nigh 4/5k playerbase which is a feat in itself. Alas, I don't think any server will ever come to what Blizzard is. There's no doubt ambitious projects such as Corecraft and Kronos may prove better yet, but this game is meant to be social, and as long as the staff do not act arrogantly towards their community and show will to improve the quality of the server, there's little doubt where the players will remain.
Last edited by Nobbynobs on Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
From: eotrampage
To: Nobbynobs

kill yourself you pathetic shillloser, the world is better of without people like you

Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Nain » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:47 am

This place works differently and well enough to make it seem like a completely different game compared to elsewhere, and the issues are being ironed out fast. It's got a 5k pop, so I don't see why anyone would genuinely hesitate to check it out. I think we got a shill.
† Nain now rests in the arms of our lord. He died a sickly infant at the age of 3 months and 24 days. †
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Crono » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:09 am

All the discussion threads about Nost vs Kronos have been closed due to advertising/trolls. As far as I can tell, this is another one of those discussions that is trying to remain relevant and not receive the censor hammer.

This topic has been dissected enough. While their is of course valid discussion of bugs here, their is those from Kronos forums here touting their server at every opportunity in this thread. Close the discussion already.
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Melvin » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:28 am


You made some valid points even though I'm a bit tired of people stating "Compared to Feenix/Molten this place is so much better" - of course it is as those servers are run for profit. I wouldn't even bother to play there.

On the other hand population isn't everything. I'd rather play on a server with a population of 500 that is almost bug free instead on a server with a population of 5000 with severe bugs, but to each his own.

I also tested Kronos and wasn't too overwhelmed - the "most advanced Vanilla server in the world" still is far from perfect as well.

My pro / con list for Nostalrius:

+ Server stability, uptime and latency (even less server crashes would be appreciated, though)
+ Blizzlike and non-profit attitude of the server owners
+ They seem to be willing to fix stuff
+ Population (already a bit over the top for me tbh.)
+ An exploit I found by accident and which is working on every other server (even Kronos) isn't working here

- Still a lot of bugs, some of them affecting core class mechanics
- Communication (where to report bugs, are bug reports even recognized, what are the devs working on?)
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Jackyy » Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:59 am

eotrampage wrote:Depens on what you are looking for, if you want the vanilla experience including all the bad stuff then this server is for you.

If you are looking for vanilla + common sense additions, its not

thats why i don't like kronos

blizzard has justified their moves also with "common sense". they walk a very dangerous path
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Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius

by Anatole » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:03 am

Hahaha so many haters on Kronos forum...

But yeah, communication has always been a big problem with Nostalrius team.


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