We're not bribing GMs. We're exploiting the power of dubs.
Dubs are the focal point of energy that govern the universe and the laws surrounding it. By harnessing the power of dubs and condensing it into a single burst of energy (or a "roll", as we call it), one can then release that energy and guarantee any loot we want to drop.
Example 1:
This was made during one of our first MC runs, and as a result Gutgore didn't drop until 3 months after (the power of dubs eventually wears off). The power of dubs was misused during this situation, and coincidentally, Literally eventually quit the game.
Regarding the situation outlined in the OP, the acquisition of Thunderfury Bindings was not through GM trickery, but through dubs.
Dubs Master Jos (aka "The Virile Seed" and "The Mageblade") blessed our raids with dubs during our Garr encounter, and thus bestowed upon us a Binding.
I hope this clears some things up. Remember, dubs never lie.