Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Hammersplat » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:09 am

I felt like I deserved a medal after completing the quest where you collect all bingle's tools. Please someone give me a medal...

When I looted the Stalven chest quest in goldshire while waiting - I took a shower, blow dried hair, cleaned my room, cooked dinner.... I could see people kneeling to the the chest before I saw the chest spawn, I was so pissed off that day.... omg there was always 4 -5 ppl standing there waiting.

3 full groups standing by the traitor in westfall, stitches spawning every 2 minutes. I guess we will look back at this and laugh one day?

One nice thing is there is always a group for elites and just about anything. So in some ways it's faster leveling than if you had to put a group together on a less populated server.
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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Kleigon » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:30 am

Seth wrote:All these people defending this issue as being fine and spewing more blizzlike bullshit disgust me...

They're not going to change it. I'd try to get used to it. Either that or find another private server.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by HawkGirl » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:31 pm

When I'm having a hard time with respawns I try and get a 5 man group going for the quest. If the area is overrun, I move on and come back later. Staying in one spot for 2 hours seems like a huge waste of my time.
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Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by pateuvasiliu » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:34 pm

Ramzey wrote:This is how Vanilla was, I sincerely hope they don't change the spawn rates.

Literally cancer.

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Tekko » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:09 pm

Ramzey wrote:This is how Vanilla was, I sincerely hope they don't change the spawn rates.

No it is not, vanilla did not have this amount of players on one server.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Quest Bottleneck is Retarded

by Elaith » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:54 pm

Vanilla servers had on average 13k accounts tied to them with even more characters on then, 6k is nothing


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