Alliance, BWL:
Hosted by: Fyrwind/Maitozo & <NOPE>
When: Tuesday 19:00/7pm Server for invites.
Rules: Item is linked and for 10 seconds its +1, MS>OS. After 10 seconds it becomes free roll(anybody can roll if they can use it). Tier items are on a seperate +1. Ashkandi is Warrior/Hunter. Tank loot is done by loot council.
Must be proper PvE specced and prefer people getting consumables and world buffs before raid (that you can get by yourself).
More info: Longest running BWL pug on server (First run was on Oct 6th 2015, only 2 1/2 weeks after the instance was released on the server. First clear was on Oct 27th 2015, with weekly clears ever since).
Runs are going between 60-80mins these days, which is less than many guilds spend in their weekly clears!
For more details: check out the following thread: