nervous wrote:kayrn wrote:
Peak hour kills... oh wait
And Nervous, why'd you Alt F4 against a 51 warrior/pally when you had a 60 hunter helping you only to get shat on? LULULULULULULLZZZZ
You mean used gnomish cloaking device in a 1v3 versus 2 paladins and a warrior? that turned into a 2v3 20 seconds into it? Gee I dunno m8.
Stay mad, stay bad.
Updated OP to reflect child slaying
Mad? LOL
Sounds like you're delusional... The hunter ran past us while we were escorting, but promptly turned around when he saw you and engaged us. The other pally came in bout 20 seconds into the fight, not the hunter.
Thanks though, we literally laughed so fucking hard in skype at how atrocious you are at PvP. Stick to Exploiting PvE scrubber-dub. Stay dead my friend. Stay dead. Unless you'd prefer to soul stone so I can get more honor of you're shitter self.