PVP is really pissing me off.

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Magian » Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:30 am

The problem with the logic here is the following. It is assumed that once we get plenty of 60s the gankings will chill. However the gankings are slowing down the rate of 60 progression with corpse runs. Those who are 60 don't get it, at least those who are on this forum. The population level is so high that if you camp someone they won't even notice you. You'll be just another brick in the wall. This actually hurts the pvp megalomaniacs who think they are special and unique butterflies that can tell everyone that disagrees with them on preference based on opinion that they need to L2P. Your best efforts of leet camping are a drop in the ocean and go unnoticed from all others lesser efforts of killing lower levels.

Anything that gets in the way of progression is a justifiable frustration. Ganking is included in this. It is like wiping because of some idiot messing up the raid on stupid crap. It is out of the power of the players by the actions of another player. This is justified and to be expected and even anticipated by the psychosis of the deranged pvpers who forgot to take their meds. I enjoy the Scot Tenorman must die episode of South Park as much as anyone. But to point at the players who lash out on forums for being ganked as if they suck at the game is unintelligent. Get over yourselves. Accept that you are the selfish jerks licking the tears of others. You don't have any moral high ground accept it. Your argument is based on preference and opinion just like the pve argument is. They are equal. The problem is to experience vanilla their isn't the option of the other preference. Until you acknowledge that all your arguments are weak.

I don't mind pvp, I used to do it. If I had a choice I'd go with a normal server. As I get older I am not as interested in causing the suffereing of other players. I like BGs. In the BG there is an opt in for everyone. While leveling it is pretty dishonorable to kill a grey. However, it is BS if you claim there is such a rule. It doesn't exist and you won't convince a bunch of 60s focused on pre-raid and consumes to come defend you against a skull ganker. Simply put there is a bunch of BS here being spouted out. I mean one of the proponents of pvp who acts as if he knows so much thinks that Kara was in vanilla. If that isn't evidence that these guys don't know what they are talking about, then nothing is. More BS is the predictions that ganking will change because of factor X. We don't know that. Why don't we know that? The population size is an anomaly. This is new and previous experience does not apply here. Logic must be amended to the new experiences here. So, to discount the testimonies of those who are in disagreement with your preference smacks of an inability to assess a given situation that is unique and different than yours.

If we are in a laissez faire environment, then we are to give each other the benefit of the doubt. I don't see that here at all. Come to think of it that is tantamount of most WoW forums. But, by not doing that you weaken your argument. I recommend trying that, if and only if you want to get anywhere. Otherwise the rest of us just consider you a troll.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Zor » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:48 pm

Afterall its not called world of ponies and beautiful looking flowers.
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Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Jaya » Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:10 pm

I played on a PvE server in retail. I generally dislike PvP because it seems to bring out the worst in people. I, however, do not have a problem with people ganking others, its part of the game. Camping someone, especially someone so low in level they cant win, is a pretty shitty thing to do.

I think a lot of the campers do it to piss people off to the point they make an alt or post on the forum to bitch about it, giving the camper their 15 minutes of fame. Best thing to do is just leave the zone or log and not cry about it so youre not giving them what they want.

One time on another server some guy camped me then I followed him around half the night into other zones. Every time he killed me again I found and followed to the point he made an alt to cry about me following him.

In the end there is really nothing you can do about being camped but deal with it. Sucks but its the truth.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Valo » Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:22 pm

It's a PvP server, and will stay that way. If you can't deal with it, ask Blizzard to implement Vanilla servers, or go somewhere else.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Gonstackk » Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:26 pm

Yesterday in Tanaris i showed how well I PVP. I was in Tanaris doing The Scrimshank Redemption, down in the pit some warrior and hunter friend thought they would kill me. Well, he charged, I scatter shot, and run into the tunnel just enough to get agro from a pack of silithids. FDed and they all turned and fell in love with that warrior. got up and kept going inside to continue the quest. Had a bad pull and died myself but on the ghost run back i saw the warriors corpse, laughed an just went on with my quest. After I completed the quest I rushed back to see this warrior afk, so I stop, get in front of him and /wave, and then went on with my questing.

That is the most I PVP, otherwise it is Scatter shot, FD, Ice trap and run away like brave Sir Robin.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by nub » Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:50 pm

Valo wrote:It's a PvP server, and will stay that way. If you can't deal with it, ask Blizzard to implement Vanilla servers, or go somewhere else.

100% truth.

Stop crying people. This is the war we wanted. If it's not what you wanted, go somewhere else. PvE servers ruin the spirit of this game. Half of the challenge, the strife, is surviving all of that shit and still making it to the top. Fear and fustration draw you into the game. They immerse you. They keep you on the edge of your seat and make you pay attention.
If Arthas's mount is invincible, why can we see it?

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Jaya » Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:03 pm

nub wrote:
Valo wrote:It's a PvP server, and will stay that way. If you can't deal with it, ask Blizzard to implement Vanilla servers, or go somewhere else.

100% truth.

Stop crying people. This is the war we wanted. If it's not what you wanted, go somewhere else. PvE servers ruin the spirit of this game. Half of the challenge, the strife, is surviving all of that shit and still making it to the top. Fear and fustration draw you into the game. They immerse you. They keep you on the edge of your seat and make you pay attention.

I agree with all that but you and many others are forgetting this server is like twice as large population wise as retail vanilla servers. In a few months it may settle down but right now its a mad house out there.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by TaylorShift » Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:15 pm

Jaya wrote:
nub wrote:
Valo wrote:It's a PvP server, and will stay that way. If you can't deal with it, ask Blizzard to implement Vanilla servers, or go somewhere else.

100% truth.

Stop crying people. This is the war we wanted. If it's not what you wanted, go somewhere else. PvE servers ruin the spirit of this game. Half of the challenge, the strife, is surviving all of that shit and still making it to the top. Fear and fustration draw you into the game. They immerse you. They keep you on the edge of your seat and make you pay attention.

I agree with all that but you and many others are forgetting this server is like twice as large population wise as retail vanilla servers. In a few months it may settle down but right now its a mad house out there.

With that logic china will never go to war again because they are so populated. Give me a break. Population has nothing to do with whether pvp is fun or not. The more people there are to kill the better IMO.

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by Shiggs13 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:30 pm

Jaya wrote:
nub wrote:
Valo wrote:It's a PvP server, and will stay that way. If you can't deal with it, ask Blizzard to implement Vanilla servers, or go somewhere else.

100% truth.

Stop crying people. This is the war we wanted. If it's not what you wanted, go somewhere else. PvE servers ruin the spirit of this game. Half of the challenge, the strife, is surviving all of that shit and still making it to the top. Fear and fustration draw you into the game. They immerse you. They keep you on the edge of your seat and make you pay attention.

I agree with all that but you and many others are forgetting this server is like twice as large population wise as retail vanilla servers. In a few months it may settle down but right now its a mad house out there.

Quite loving this mad house. Kill or get killed. I used to have the mentality of attack only in defense, but I learned of ranks, and as you kill more, you gain more experience and confidence in your skills. What may have seemed intimidating as ganking a mage or rogue is now a test of PvP skill. Yes, you may die, but it was well worth learning from it. While I believe in being fair and not attacking people low on health on mobs, I admit I have done it before, and It's something I've stayed away from doing. But if we're both running on a road, and happen run past each other, expect a fight.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: PVP is really pissing me off.

by nub » Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:14 pm

I'm sorry but world PvP just breathes more life into the world. The game was designed with world PvP from the start. PvE servers just have a feature unchecked.
If Arthas's mount is invincible, why can we see it?


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