Khandz wrote:@Mryul, I agree with every point you stated.
It's quite sad that contents will be rushed due to 80 people, I really hope Nostalrius reconsiders the direction they're taking their community. And if the progression keeps up at this pace I can see Naxxramas coming out in less then 10 months, and if that's the case not even half of the PvE-progression guilds will be done with BWL and/or enter AQ40.
Please Nostalrius, this is a topic that has to be discussed and regardless of what you decide in the end, I'll support your decision. But atleast give this a second thought!
I really hope the Nos Staff reconsiders this as well. It's sad to see so many people shy away from the server and I can't fault them! It's hard to re-create the blizzlike Vanilla experience we once had.. It was with careful planning and a lot of time commitment. I don't think many people want to commit a lot of their time in a x1 Vanilla server that is just going to emulate a poopsocking race between 2 guilds, rushing through all of the content Vanilla has to offer in a very short life span instead of creating a normal paced vanilla server that people can expect to play on for a ery long time instead of just clearing a raid once an then moving on.
Staff, admins at Nostalrius - please get together and think this through again!
We're not a community that will cry if there is no content just around the corner after clearing a raid just once. We're the kind of community that wants to be here for the long run.
We've been looking forward to Nostalrius for so long, please don't make it a game we play through quickly and then put it on the shelves.