SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

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Re: SafeSpotting

by SanderP » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:56 pm

I just level my hunter, I want it to be allowed.
Flavie, 60 Hunter
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Re: SafeSpotting

by joormom » Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:38 pm

I just wanted a proper discussion on it, Didn't ask for trolls or flames. Please keep it respectful.

Re: SafeSpotting

by joormom » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:14 pm

So far this is what I would consider "Proof". Hopefully razzi hops in and reads this, I'd like to again say, Please no trolling in this thread guys. I have a neutral stance on the matter, I could care less if it is ok or not, I just want to have a proper understanding for the rules.
So the post up form here is as follows:

Clarification on Rooftop Camping
There has been some confusion in regards to whether or not the act of "rooftop camping", or killing players while using geometry to avoid the town guards, is allowed. We will no longer condone this act in game. Players who participate in this method of PvP will be given a warning and educated on this new policy, and further action will be taken as circumstances warrant. We wish to provide a fair playing field to our customers, and this abuse of game mechanics has been hampering that effort.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager

I'm not sure if you'd consider this sufficient proof against rooftop camping, it does seem to follow the guidelines as I posted at the beginning of this thread, Blizzard did not want unfair advantages for anyone due to game mechanics is what I can gather.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by SanderP » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:23 pm

It's not "unfair advantage" really, everyone can get up there easily.
Flavie, 60 Hunter
Illusion, 60 Rogue
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Re: SafeSpotting

by OGTUCKER117 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:24 pm

Redcap wrote:i like penis

ok what does anything in your post have to do with the topic at hand here? Onyxia scripting was shit the whelps didint even spawn and she didnt do breath in flight phase, its probaly fixed by now anyways, but thats completly of topic, your the one acting like a child.
Its part of the game now deal with it, kid.
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Re: SafeSpotting

by Redcap » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:29 pm

OGTUCKER117 wrote:ok what does anything in your post have to do with the topic at hand here? Onyxia scripting was shit the whelps didint even spawn and she didnt do breath in flight phase, its probaly fixed by now anyways, but thats completly of topic, your the one acting like a child.
Its part of the game now deal with it, kid.

I just took a few minutes of time out to give a GM what he asked for. You took time out to cry about "muh memories!" of being on retail (supposedly), then asserted I'm the kind of guy that doesn't like fun.

Calling you out on your poor behavior and offering up personal experiences that had nothing to do with what the GM was asking was a lot of fun, yeah. It was even more fun to watch you attack me again rather than muster up some balls on my challenge of your feelings of the GM's of the server, or I guess the server itself that matter.

You took shit off topic first, junior. The tears of your rustle sustain me.
Last edited by Redcap on Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by CapnPrat » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:45 pm

SanderP wrote:It's not "unfair advantage" really, everyone can get up there easily.

Yeah, melee can definitely get up there easily while by nuked by a lock, hunter, priest, mage, right? It's really childish, which is why it doesn't surprise me that Ogtucker would be sticking up for it.

It is and was a bannable offense on retail servers from April of 05 on. I knew people that got in trouble for it. Just because people did it and didn't get in trouble, doesn't mean that it wasn't against the rules. People get away with shit that's against the ToS all the time.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by tiglie » Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:37 am

My time to level to 60 on my mage took 2x as long because of rooftop camping in booty bay and gadget. Shit happened non-stop in retail. Lvl 41 mage taking AP just to 2 shot lvl 60s so I could hear them cry on the boards. 100% vanilla.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by tiglie » Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:40 am

They DID eventually combat this by giving guards guns + nets. They never answered petitions.....they patched the guards eventually. Hell we had a rogue on archimonde that NEVER left duskwood and rooftop camped there for probably 2 years. I think he was around lvl 41 and still doing it when BC came out. I'll reply with the name when I remember it right on the tip of my tongue. The dude was known by everyone who ever played the server, and all he did was rooftop gank.

Re: SafeSpotting - Please don't troll - Open Discussion.

by SanderP » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:28 am

CapnPrat wrote:
SanderP wrote:It's not "unfair advantage" really, everyone can get up there easily.

Yeah, melee can definitely get up there easily while by nuked by a lock, hunter, priest, mage, right? It's really childish, which is why it doesn't surprise me that Ogtucker would be sticking up for it.

It is and was a bannable offense on retail servers from April of 05 on. I knew people that got in trouble for it. Just because people did it and didn't get in trouble, doesn't mean that it wasn't against the rules. People get away with shit that's against the ToS all the time.

Me as a rogue got easily up there many times and ripped those grey level fuckers casting shit from down there. :^)
Flavie, 60 Hunter
Illusion, 60 Rogue
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