It's all good man. You have to hang in there you won't be left behind. You just have to understand that has tire of an excuse as it may seem "this is vanilla". The game rewards time spent, it is "hardcore" as people say. Basically the same argument you are making of not having enough time to play and feeling exiled because you cannot keep up / catch is exactly what has led wow to being the way it is today in warlords of draenor. So the devs/programmers will not be making any sort of modification to make it easier as that would be the anesthetist of what the server was created for after years of work.
Just keep chipping away with whatever time you feel like you should devote to the game, you WILL get to 60 and you will have time to do raids. Also a side note though, note to discourage you further but the time required to be a successful raider and get high end raiding gear is extreme. If you do not have the time now to level you will not have the time to raid. A molten core in an average group will take you 4-6 hours a night.