Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

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Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by gerbodis » Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:55 pm

It's all good man. You have to hang in there you won't be left behind. You just have to understand that has tire of an excuse as it may seem "this is vanilla". The game rewards time spent, it is "hardcore" as people say. Basically the same argument you are making of not having enough time to play and feeling exiled because you cannot keep up / catch is exactly what has led wow to being the way it is today in warlords of draenor. So the devs/programmers will not be making any sort of modification to make it easier as that would be the anesthetist of what the server was created for after years of work.

Just keep chipping away with whatever time you feel like you should devote to the game, you WILL get to 60 and you will have time to do raids. Also a side note though, note to discourage you further but the time required to be a successful raider and get high end raiding gear is extreme. If you do not have the time now to level you will not have the time to raid. A molten core in an average group will take you 4-6 hours a night.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by pmizz » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:00 am

Tekko wrote:[

I've had nothing to do with what WoW is today. I don't give them feedback, I don't complain on their forums, I just play their game giving zero feedback.

Thanks for thinking I was in a position of power though :)

No posts like these on vanilla forums made blizzard make the game casual friendly.

Stop being in a rush, it's more fun.
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Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by Scamp » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:02 am

Leveling is a lot slower in vanilla, if you're not enjoying the ride there best I could recommend is to mix it up a bit with some pvp or something. Try to find dungeon groups when you have enough time to do one because that's a lot less dry than purely questing. Mages have been doing really well in pvp (low level pvp too.) I've had a LOT of fun on mine.

As for Questie, make sure to check back in a bit, it's in constant development right now and should be a lot more polished in the coming weeks. There's actually a few people including myself working on it in their free time.
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Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by pmizz » Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:06 am

Scamp wrote:Leveling is a lot slower in vanilla, if you're not enjoying the ride there best I could recommend is to mix it up a bit with some pvp or something. Try to find dungeon groups when you have enough time to do one because that's a lot less dry than purely questing. Mages have been doing really well in pvp (low level pvp too.) I've had a LOT of fun on mine.

As for Questie, make sure to check back in a bit, it's in constant development right now and should be a lot more polished in the coming weeks. There's actually a few people including myself working on it in their free time.

that was the name of my first main, a Gnome Rogue

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Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by Malevolent » Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:14 am

What is it with all these people complaining about how slow and annoying leveling is? What did you expect? just go play on retail or that x12 feenix server if you wanna jump straight into endgame. Yeah it's quite tedious sometimes, but doesn't every new level feel awesome? Or when you're finally high enough to leave a zone you were really getting sick of, or when you finally can go to winterspring, all these little pleasures is what makes vanilla so good and addictive to me. this doesn't exist anymore on retail, where you just blast your way through zones doing 20% of the quests. having a lvl 100 doesn't mean anything, everybody can get one in 2 days /played or even less, or you know, just buy a lvl 90... when you have a lvl 60 in vanilla it means that you're /played time is 10 days + (ok some speedleveling hunters can get there in less than 4 days, but if you're pvping/doing dungeons and not rushing it's gonna take a while) and that you went through hell to get there, it adds so much more value to your character.
What's funny is that when wow first came out in '04 it was considered an easymode and casual mmo, leveling was seen as fast and well paced.. crazy how times changed now.
Oh and you won't have any problem finding pve guilds on the horde side, yeah allies have a slight advantage because of pallies but with 6k+ players you'll find players for everything.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by Kennethskyler » Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:31 am

Tekko wrote:
Jackyy wrote:Why are you here?

Szabinger wrote:Because of what's after the boring and slow leveling.

It was a rather stupid question.

so stupid :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by Coyle » Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:54 am

Malevolent wrote:What is it with all these people complaining about how slow and annoying leveling is? What did you expect? just go play on retail or that x12 feenix server if you wanna jump straight into endgame. Yeah it's quite tedious sometimes, but doesn't every new level feel awesome? Or when you're finally high enough to leave a zone you were really getting sick of, or when you finally can go to winterspring, all these little pleasures is what makes vanilla so good and addictive to me. this doesn't exist anymore on retail, where you just blast your way through zones doing 20% of the quests. having a lvl 100 doesn't mean anything, everybody can get one in 2 days /played or even less, or you know, just buy a lvl 90... when you have a lvl 60 in vanilla it means that you're /played time is 10 days + (ok some speedleveling hunters can get there in less than 4 days, but if you're pvping/doing dungeons and not rushing it's gonna take a while) and that you went through hell to get there, it adds so much more value to your character.
What's funny is that when wow first came out in '04 it was considered an easymode and casual mmo, leveling was seen as fast and well paced.. crazy how times changed now.
Oh and you won't have any problem finding pve guilds on the horde side, yeah allies have a slight advantage because of pallies but with 6k+ players you'll find players for everything.

I totally agree with you! I'm only level 25 so far because I found out about the server late, but I really think the levelling experience is epic so far, and I've also made a few friends.

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by Garfunkel » Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:16 pm

Malevolent wrote:What's funny is that when wow first came out in '04 it was considered an easymode and casual mmo, leveling was seen as fast and well paced.. crazy how times changed now.

Yeah, that is amusing. Compared to UO, EQ and AC, WoW really was easy mode, forgiving and more casual. Yet now people consider vanilla hardcore because the later expansions have it made so much easier, more forgiving and even more casual.

And next someone is telling me to shut my face because some raid in Cata or Lich is super-duper technical and difficult!1!
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Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by gerbodis » Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:55 pm

Garfunkel wrote:
Malevolent wrote:What's funny is that when wow first came out in '04 it was considered an easymode and casual mmo, leveling was seen as fast and well paced.. crazy how times changed now.

Yeah, that is amusing. Compared to UO, EQ and AC, WoW really was easy mode, forgiving and more casual. Yet now people consider vanilla hardcore because the later expansions have it made so much easier, more forgiving and even more casual.

And next someone is telling me to shut my face because some raid in Cata or Lich is super-duper technical and difficult!1!

hahah exactly! I remember starting WoW back in 2004 coming from SWG and everyone was like whoa this is SO user friendly and easy! The interface and keybinding was so much more casual and user friendly than other MMO's at the time. You could actually move with WASD instead of your mouse! hahah. Now it's like considered super hard, I mean I feel like it is im so used to Warlords

Re: Starting to get discouraged of leveling...

by popezaphod » Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:35 pm

In Vanilla, 60 is an accomplishment. It's not handed to you like max level is in Retail or in other games I've played. I play Vanilla because I want that sense of accomplishment. If I wanted an easy ride, I'd have signed up for Panda Land.
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