give paladins divine storm

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Re: give paladins divine storm

by kovenant » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:16 pm

well your example of upscaling the HP for bosses is just a minor thing.
it will not really influence the game play, that being said if in vanilla the time to kill a boss was set at avg. 3:01 minutes and its killed here in 1:20 that could mean the boss has too low HP in order to have the same experience.
introducing new skills to a game version it was not intended to is a whole other thing and that goes for all classes.
upgrading or downgrading the spells or amount of mana for a certain spell does not only influence the class, also the other classes and boss encounters etc.

and about the comments of being "on the side of the mother fuckers" well funny.
i have played paladin from beta's and i agree that paladin is a support class and in my eyes it will always be that.
in TBC they just turned it pretty much around and created a shaman like warrior in my opinion.
this is getting to be a class war/ discussion that shouldnt be here.

its about what is /was. not what could be.
your personal feeling may and can differ of the opinion of others even if you are right they were in the seat to make decisions not you. it's your choice to play a certain class or not.

just me with about 300 days played on paladins
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Stormreaver » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:18 pm

Ret paladins are pretty much the same as Enh shamans, and if ret paladins recieve an upgrade, Enh shamans should get one too, and that will lead to absolutely every class crying to get an upgrade as well, and it will just ruin the servers community in the end.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Keftenk » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:20 pm

inb4 Paladin being OP because they get a "free" mount? Nerf!
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by kovenant » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:28 pm

Keftenk wrote:inb4 Paladin being OP because they get a "free" mount? Nerf!

well thats more for warlocks, their quest was alot easier in my opinion :P
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Dessel » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:43 pm

Just remember that these sort of class wishes is what has netted us today's retail ;-)

From playing on several other servers, I think the only *crucial* change needed will be pve upscaling, as people have a much deeper understanding of the game today. I wouldn't call it a minor thing either.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by showtime » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:50 pm

Stormreaver wrote:Ret paladins are pretty much the same as Enh shamans, and if ret paladins recieve an upgrade, Enh shamans should get one too, and that will lead to absolutely every class crying to get an upgrade as well, and it will just ruin the servers community in the end.

wow this is just sad you say this because your a shaman

the only people who disagree with me are probably the people who cast shadowbolts for 2.5kcrits and fear + seduce with no cool down on us. sorry but i know you guys want blizzlike and to me blizzlike is what paladins were before the last minute 2 guys wanted revenge for their own gain

the proof is out there we should not let 2 brats ruin this experience for something they did 10 years ago
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Keftenk » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:56 pm

Develop your own server then?

I don't know what else to tell you.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Stormreaver » Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:04 pm

Nobody is agreeing with you, and even if somebody does, it wont be a staff member, and this wont happen on Nostalrius, even if you write 2 000 walls of text. ;) Go play BC/WoTLk if you want paladin with more abilities.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Healbucket » Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:08 pm

Always wounder why people so upset with blizzlike? you are ruining the vanilla experience by making paladin be able to do something more then healing in vanilla? you ruining the vanilla experience by fix whats broken with the specc. the problem here is balance the hole thing, sense every class have different type of problem paladin damage need to scale better. well the boomkin need more viable gear take cloth none set pieces is not good enough in my opinion to say that boomkin works. I would love to see a private server try to fix these issues blizzard did for most part in TBC.
Broken talent tree is not a positive part of the vanilla experience its a problem with balance and that is a hard topic to tackle sense it will need a lot of testing get right blizzard tried through out vanilla never got it right.

But saying that retri tree shitness is apart of the vanilla experience just people could care less about what you want to play rather see you as a buff machine and only heal. What makes vanilla raiding experience is 40man raids, the boss encounters the gear and the progression not what roll someone else is playing in your raid

Re: give paladins divine storm

by Aquane » Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:56 pm

why are there 3 pages of serious replies to such an obvious troll?
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