well your example of upscaling the HP for bosses is just a minor thing.
it will not really influence the game play, that being said if in vanilla the time to kill a boss was set at avg. 3:01 minutes and its killed here in 1:20 that could mean the boss has too low HP in order to have the same experience.
introducing new skills to a game version it was not intended to is a whole other thing and that goes for all classes.
upgrading or downgrading the spells or amount of mana for a certain spell does not only influence the class, also the other classes and boss encounters etc.
and about the comments of being "on the side of the mother fuckers" well funny.
i have played paladin from beta's and i agree that paladin is a support class and in my eyes it will always be that.
in TBC they just turned it pretty much around and created a shaman like warrior in my opinion.
this is getting to be a class war/ discussion that shouldnt be here.
its about what is /was. not what could be.
your personal feeling may and can differ of the opinion of others even if you are right they were in the seat to make decisions not you. it's your choice to play a certain class or not.
just me with about 300 days played on paladins