Too worried about optimization

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: Too worried about optimization

by Eisseltron » Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:08 pm

Did Nost buff the old raids in any way? Because if so, sure, I can kind of understand why people are so picky about their raiders (Even if it's still a bit silly,) but if not, there's really no reason for the rampant "MUH BUT HYBRID" mentality that keeps going around.

I raided way back when, and at any given time you'd have 10-15 people either not paying attention, DPSing poorly, or playing "unviable" classes. The raids simply aren't tuned so tightly that you need a full 40 man roster of warriors/mages/rogues and nothing else.

Seriously. There's really no reason to be super picky.


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