Convince Me.

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Re: Convince Me.

by Cornholi » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:04 am

They do have ddos protection and from what I've heard it's good, but the fact that they don't allow donations for anything has always been my biggest issue with Nos, unless someone is privately funding it, server upkeep and ddos protection to my very basic knowledge don't come cheap.
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Re: Convince Me.

by Kill » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:15 am

OrangeTheLord wrote:From what i've read so far i'm thinking about going nos, I would be 100% sold if i was sure that they had good ddos protection but that seems to be an issue. I will definitely play nos at launch that i've decided.

Does nos have a big project or at least the funds to back it up? I don't want another rebirth.

Twinstar backing up kronos is one of the big reasons i want to go with them because i feel like it won't die.

Cornholi wrote:They do have ddos protection and from what I've heard it's good, but the fact that they don't allow donations for anything has always been my biggest issue with Nos, unless someone is privately funding it, server upkeep and ddos protection to my very basic knowledge don't come cheap.

I can't say anything about DDOS prevention at Nost, but since it was always a great issue, I feel that great emphasis should be laid here, if I were to host Nost or Kronos. I always wondered where the money for Nost comes from. Not only is DDOS prevention an important topic, but also good hosting with fast conditions, etc. Here, over in Germany, I have a ping of 14-16ms and also the connection to other continents seems to be ok - this doesn't also come in cheap. If we press this topic, I think we might be able to learn how Nost is financing itself, which actually is an important question.

Re: Convince Me.

by James Goblin » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:50 am

It is possible that Noss staff - for whatever reason - simply doesn´t want to reveal too much about their funding.
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James Goblin
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Re: Convince Me.

by Drooppi » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:31 am

Nostalrius used to be part of a bigger group, not sure it's still the case. The other servers had paying options, which in turn (wild guess here) funded Nostalrius. I don't know if it still works like this, as those other servers seem to be close to dead from a google search.
If really needed, quite a few people would be happy to put in 5 or 10$ for the server...

Finally, to convince you, I'd just say "try for yourself". It takes between 10 minutes and a week to know if a server is worth staying on.

I was quite happy here back in the days, with a few bugs of course, and a few issues with communication, but it seems alright now.

If you're not happy, go and have a look somewhere else, if you're still unhappy, come back in a few months to see how it goes.
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Convince Me.

by Ike » Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:56 am

My very first thought after stumbling upon this project and seeing some of their earlier videos was "they claim a lot of things". But what convinced me in the end was seeing Nos's Test Automation video. I think this video is immensely underrated, but as a fellow software engineer I can assure you that this is such a HUGE thing! Seeing the video gave me the confidence that there have to be skilled professionals in the team, that know the ins and outs of software engineering.
I don't know on how many other private server you've played but on pretty much anyone I was one there have been multiple times "fixes" that broke half the server at some point or another. If this system is working as they advertise it (and there is no reason why it shouldn't), this problem is essentially gone. This is so huge and it boggles my mind why no one has ever done it before!
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