An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Holmes » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:17 pm

so many posts
anything interesting in here? 8-)
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Redcap » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:24 pm

A guild known for exploiting private servers and ruining the gaming experience of other players for their own fun leaves the server. Gee, I'm absolutely certain there's hundreds of players sad to see you go.

In fact, GM Kraft saw the situation developing with these players a mile away and called them on it.

In regards to blaming the server for its (lack of) quality, there's a pair of things to consider with this topic. The Nostalrius staff rushed the server launch in direct competition to Kronos and in doing so skipped holding a very badly needed open beta. So this meant that the server staff was relying heavily on players possessing a large amount of gaming experience to identify known bugs found on other private servers being present on this server and .... 1) reporting them as well as .... 2) not exploiting them.

How well did your guild make your attempt in doing the right thing? How many exploited the x6 damage from Beastslayer enchant, or auto spawning mobs from quest prompts, or the 'never ending' chest providing between 90 to 130 gold an hour (used to get early epic mounts), or abuse bugged pickpocket tables for free epics (like sunrazors), or the big one... reset dungeons with 4 men in, 1 man out, for free Ironfoes and melee trinkets?

You complain about a new untested server being trash but then conveniently omit even one shred of proof that you had the server's best interests in mind in how you were helping, reporting, and supporting the staff with what they were presenting. Instead, you kill Rag the first time around with bugged Dog Whistles and then kill him a second time the 'proper way' by bugging Sons in pathing error points, and then complain that there's no loot.

You guys are nothing less than rancid flecks of dung that dried up to float away to some other location to start up your bullshit again. Good riddance.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Aunstic » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:25 pm

Alright, so I read about the first 4 pages in last night and I have to ask one question for all the GRIZZLY members:

According to your open letter, what would you suggest Nostalrius staff do at this point so everything meets your standards? Another shutdown is not the best thing to do if anyone tries this suggestion. The population is too great and this would only hinder it by thousands. A complete revamp of the team through an announcement?

I'm wondering because the staff wanted you guys to post an open letter to see how they can improve, but didn't clarifying your suggestions would seem to be much easier. In the first 4 pages, all I see is you guys talking about the lack of communication, how late they are on the timeline, Theldras situation, and bans by use of the functions that were proper during retail vanilla days. If I were an admin reading all of this, I would feel like shit and ask for the same thing out of you guys: how do we go from here and how do we manage the future?
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Holmes » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:29 pm

GRIZZLY is like cancer, now we know how to defeat it. thanks nostalrius!

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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by zachqt » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:32 pm

Redcap wrote:A guild known for exploiting private servers and ruining the gaming experience of other players for their own fun leaves the server. Gee, I'm absolutely certain there's hundreds of players sad to see you go.

In fact, GM Kraft saw the situation developing with these players a mile away and called them on it.
A guild known for being accused of exploiting. We never do it, you have no proof, stop preaching it as gospel. That's just an example of a GM having a shitty attitude towards us, how can you see that screenshot and fault GRIZZLY? We're reporting a giant bug and getting shit on for it, how is this a fault of ours? Nice backward fucking logic dude.

Redcap wrote:
In regards to blaming the server for its (lack of) quality, there's a pair of things to consider with this topic. The Nostalrius staff rushed the server launch in direct competition to Kronos and in doing so skipped holding a very badly needed open beta. So this meant that the server staff was relying heavily on players possessing a large amount of gaming experience to identify known bugs found on other private servers being present on this server and .... 1) reporting them as well as .... 2) not exploiting them.

How well did your guild make your attempt in doing the right thing? How many exploited the x6 damage from Beastslayer enchant, or auto spawning mobs from quest prompts, or the 'never ending' chest providing between 90 to 130 gold an hour (used to get early epic mounts), or abuse bugged pickpocket tables for free epics (like sunrazors), or the big one... reset dungeons with 4 men in, 1 man out, for free Ironfoes and melee trinkets?
We reported a lot of bugs and did not purposely exploit any (We did bug out a Son on our Rag kill by accident). You can not blame us for the server being bugged, implying we used beastslayer is hilarious, NOPE and RD were doing the monster summoning bug purposely for hours while three of our members did it twice and were banned. No chests were used nor was lockpicking sunrazors, pubbies continued to say we were using these exploits and when we had proof we were not what did they say? Oh that were must have used different ones. It's funny how people in other top guilds saw our MC kills and came up with 5+ exploits we must have used that we had no idea about, it's really great. You continue to say these exploits and pretend we use them, congratulations on your imagination but sadly you're mistaken. Our raid would have been a lot better geared for that first Rag if we used all the exploits you idiots think we did.

Redcap wrote:You complain about a new untested server being trash but then conveniently omit even one shred of proof that you had the server's best interests in mind in how you were helping, reporting, and supporting the staff with what they were presenting. Instead, you kill Rag the first time around with bugged Dog Whistles and then kill him a second time the 'proper way' by bugging Sons in pathing error points, and then complain that there's no loot.

You guys are nothing less than rancid flecks of dung that dried up to float away to some other location to start up your bullshit again. Good riddance.

We reported many bugs, where are you getting your information? How far up your ass do you reach to come out with "YOU REPORTED NO BUGS", the FIRST TIME we killed Rag we recorded it and published the video. No dog whistles were used, here's the video bud:

Where are the dog whistles? Where is us purposely bugging sons by pathing????? A son got bugged because it was feared and banished, that was not purposeful and we are not at fault for having two different people try to cc a fucking son. Why WOULDN'T we complain about no loot? How you people manage to fling this much shit at us when we never exploited anything purposefully is hilarious. NOPE streams themselves doing Ragnaros without a tank but no one gives a shit, GRIZZLY is the boogeymen. M-MUH EXPLOITS MUH DOGWHISTLES MUH REALMPLAYERS
What did we exploit, when did we exploit?

If you're going to talk shit atleast talk shit with proof. You posted a screenshot of us reporting a giant bug, used it to somehow(?) talk shit about us and then said we never reported bugs, lol.
Last edited by zachqt on Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Imbaslap » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:35 pm

this is what I read.

"we came, we conquered, we're leaving."
"PS. thanks for the dank memes."

RIP grizzly, cya on corecraft. 8-)
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Arev » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:37 pm

Sure you can go ahead and call Grizzly a bunch of nerds/cheaters/exploiters/whatever, i'm sure you can find a lot of players who will agree with you. Regardless of your insecurities, the point that they are making is still entirely valid.

The fact that AV was on the PTR for SIX WEEKS and delivered in the state it was should concern anyone who gives a shit about the long-term health of this server.
Arevor - <Dankk Budz Collective>
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Holmes » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:44 pm

Arev wrote:Sure you can go ahead and call Grizzly a bunch of nerds/cheaters/exploiters/whatever, i'm sure you can find a lot of players who will agree with you. Regardless of your insecurities, the point that they are making is still entirely valid.

The fact that AV was on the PTR for SIX WEEKS and delivered in the state it was should concern anyone who gives a shit about the long-term health of this server.

1. they criticise the delayed content
2. they criticise the bugged content

do you see whats happening there?

if they deliver faster (as promised) youll have more bugs
if they fix all bugs first youll have to wait twice as long for each content update

maybe they need more devs :)
its a dilemma sadly every private server has

so if you dont like it here, you'll not like it on most private servers aswell.
Last edited by Holmes on Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by zachqt » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:47 pm

Holmes wrote:
Arev wrote:Sure you can go ahead and call Grizzly a bunch of nerds/cheaters/exploiters/whatever, i'm sure you can find a lot of players who will agree with you. Regardless of your insecurities, the point that they are making is still entirely valid.

The fact that AV was on the PTR for SIX WEEKS and delivered in the state it was should concern anyone who gives a shit about the long-term health of this server.

1. they critizise the delayed content
2. they critizise the bugged content

do you see whats happening there?

if they deliver faster (as promised) youll have more bugs
if they fix all bugs first youll have to wait twice as long for each content update

maybe they need more devs :)
its a dilemma sadly every private server has

so if you dont like it here, you'll not like it on most private servers aswell.

Why would they say BWL is going to be released two months after Rag/Ony are dead if they can not even remotely stick to that? It's two months past due, did they think people were going to take three months to hit 60 and clear MC? This is not a fault of the playerbase, it's a fault of the administration. This is 100% their fault and they need to communicate better with the players and adjust their expectations accordingly. A tentative timeline is fine, when the word tentative is being used. Tenative has such been fucking demolished and is now the phrase completely unrealistic.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by DeeMarie » Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:48 pm

Aunstic wrote:Alright, so I read about the first 4 pages in last night and I have to ask one question for all the GRIZZLY members:

According to your open letter, what would you suggest Nostalrius staff do at this point so everything meets your standards?

It's not about 'our' standards since we've left, but about the health of the server overall. The casual players might be upset about the bigger guilds getting on faster, but guilds are the backbone of any server. They are the ones who will stick around because they invest more than the casual player.

What can Nos do? For a start, stop blaming and banning players for your poor quality testing. I don't mean those who truly exploit, but people doing something that was done on live deserve a warning, not a ban, if even that. That despicable incident has cost the test team for BWL an entire guild, bearing in mind Grizzly members have submitted a bunch of bug reports and loot issues which very few people here seem to realise. Open up PTR for the masses, not just the select few and let the cryholes here do some heavy lifting for a change.

More communication with your playerbase. Sure 75% are happily grinding away without a care in the world, but the 15% who hang around the forums and keep an eye open are the ones who spread the word amongst their guilds and friends. Radio silence = bad. Those 75% will eventually hit content and they'll want to know where it is too.

Be honest. The player base deserves it. Yes it's a free server but you pulled them here, don't bullshit people and they'll stay loyal. They'll even help you out. And that includes admitting when you're wrong and apologising for blaming testers.

I've put those suggestions but I don't think any of them will be enacted on to be honest. A GM asked for this, not the higher ups.
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