babachoo wrote:Yay I made the ninja list!
But on a serious note, I guess I'll explain the whole situation here.
People often roll need on BoE simply for the AH, so I went for it. No one in that group actually wanted to use them. (People in that same group rolled need on them, you can even see it in the screen cap, he just got mad at me because I was the winner the guy who posted that screen cap himself did not even roll need, fyi)
I explained why I did it, and I told him that he and everyone else who rolled greed could simply /roll for it, and the highest roller would get them. However, he was so dead-set on reporting something that wasn't even a malicious ninja, that he didn't even take me up on the offer. He didn't even /roll. =\
Sucks that my name is already up here without anyone even knowing the full story. Oh well, I won't lose sleep over it.
Also, just yesterday, a Warrior rolled Need on the Leather Flesh hide shoulders that dropped in RFD. But you don't see me reporting people over it on the forums, do ya? ..... That's a bitch move, Gaytime. At least you named your toon correctly though =D
this guy who posted before me is a mad kid look at what he sent me after i told him what he did was fucked up AFTER I IGNORED HIM CAUSE HE WAS A MORON HE LOGS ONTO AN ALT TO MESSAGE ME SOME STUPID SHIT
I simply tried to tell him what he did was wrong, and he started getting all huffy puffy and I didnt agree with what he said so i put him on ignore, he gets mad and messages me on an alt like he actually had a good point or something but in reality hes just fucked in the head and trying to defend his ninja.
May I remind you I didnt even have any contact with this player before this, I was just notifying him that he was on this list of ninjas and started getting all agressive and pissed.
Avoid this player hes a pissed off kid.