Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screenshots!

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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Bopi » Mon May 25, 2015 11:12 am

Horde Warrior: Blitzkrîeg
Guild: Dab or die tryin

Ninjaed a BoE rare from SM after everyone said to greed on it. Refused to equip it after everyone requested him to do it multiple times. ... 131552.jpg

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Mryul » Tue May 26, 2015 1:36 am

Horde Shaman: Teaser
Guild: Reign

Ninjaed BoE rare tank BiS from LBRS from the tank. Everyone passed, he pressed need. He refused to hand it over.
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Sometime » Tue May 26, 2015 7:57 pm

Alliance Paladin: Aidanpride
Guild: Mesmerize

Holy Paladin, UBRS run, MS > OS and he rolled and won Breastplate of Valor while the warriors needed.


Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by spudbrother » Tue May 26, 2015 8:19 pm

you know what, you sir are an idiot. bloodspiller is a 27 axe and on a arm warrior that's very good. report all u want u noob idiot shit ass fuck head, axe hits nice btw : ) funny u call me ninja when ur the mage who wants the 2h : ) go roll war scrub ass , keep getting mad and spam whispering me n my guildies, makes u look like a basement dweller

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by LilRio » Tue May 26, 2015 9:27 pm

That Breastplate of Valor roll is a tough one. I wouldn't call it Ninja-ing unless you can prove that they agreed to some kind of MS>OS rule in the first place, and to be honest I don't see that rule ever being enforced. Druids healing UBRS roll on Truestrike Shoulders, and Warriors of all specs roll on Felstriker, for example. A kinder person who wanted it may have passed, but on this occasion the Paladin didn't, but let's face it they can't even get into groups unless they can heal.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Elviscerate » Tue May 26, 2015 10:11 pm

spudbrother wrote:you know what, you sir are an idiot. bloodspiller is a 27 axe and on a arm warrior that's very good. report all u want u noob idiot shit ass fuck head, axe hits nice btw : ) funny u call me ninja when ur the mage who wants the 2h : ) go roll war scrub ass , keep getting mad and spam whispering me n my guildies, makes u look like a basement dweller

The fact that you would ninja a lowlevel item and risking ruining your reputation doing so, makes it very likely you'd do this if something better dropped at level 60 too, so good job there.

Also, if you're gonna lie, don't be dumb. You could've simply said you hadn't trained 2h axe yet.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by varth » Tue May 26, 2015 10:12 pm

It's not a ninja if someone rolls on a BoE drop, it's incredibly standard for everyone to roll on boe items, if you choose to pass to someone who will equip that's your call. Also dumb to roll greed on the valuable ones, just have everyone roll need and that gets rid of the chance of someone taking via need.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Elviscerate » Tue May 26, 2015 10:31 pm

varth wrote:It's not a ninja if someone rolls on a BoE drop, it's incredibly standard for everyone to roll on boe items, if you choose to pass to someone who will equip that's your call. Also dumb to roll greed on the valuable ones, just have everyone roll need and that gets rid of the chance of someone taking via need.

In this case, that guy asked if he could have it since he is an arms warrior, but then refused to equip it. How is this not a ninja? He would've been better of not saying anything before rolling need.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Busdriverx » Wed May 27, 2015 1:47 am

Alinkard wrote:Horde Undead Rogue - Joydivision
"Need" on a plate item...
By chance, another mate won him and sold it to me for some golds.

Proof :

Yeah this is no surprise, Joydivision is a psychopath and has a few... issues, let's say. Best to avoid interacting with him since he's quite unstable
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Hupi » Sat May 30, 2015 4:01 am

Alliance Paladin - Parrot
Guild: The Alliance Pub
Took "The Hammer of Grace" without saying anything. Watch out.



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