Busdriverx wrote:Alinkard wrote:Horde Undead Rogue - Joydivision
"Need" on a plate item...
By chance, another mate won him and sold it to me for some golds.
Proof : http://i.imgur.com/6N7ccUo.png
Yeah this is no surprise, Joydivision is a psychopath and has a few... issues, let's say. Best to avoid interacting with him since he's quite unstable
Joydivision wrote:Busdriverx wrote:Alinkard wrote:Horde Undead Rogue - Joydivision
"Need" on a plate item...
By chance, another mate won him and sold it to me for some golds.
Proof : http://i.imgur.com/6N7ccUo.png
Yeah this is no surprise, Joydivision is a psychopath and has a few... issues, let's say. Best to avoid interacting with him since he's quite unstable
Oh i'm very sorry that i need rolled on Obsidian Greaves, a pair of boe plate boots that are on the ah for under 5g. Perhaps others' have frameworks for decision making which are more ethical from their perspective; which involves clicking greed - Pfft plz - retailer noobs. And, I didn't win the roll aswell.
I'm clearly stable, and have reached the stage or close to self-actualization in line with Maslows hierarchy of needs. Most people who have a gripe with me tend to argue a little, but i type too fast and too fucking smart. Thenceforward they resort to using the generics such as "kid, fat, mum, noob" or public defamation-like behaviour in /4 /2. Busdriverx - Horde is one such user of this toxic approach. And I would suggest to all of you to not dungeon with this person, unless you're into "KAPPA, PLEB, WREKT" ideology.
BuffGamer wrote:Today we ran a Dire Maul North - Full Tribute Run and Ronswansan (60 druid of <Thundercats>) ninja'd part of the chest without rolling. Just ran up and started taking shit. He took the [Rod of the Ogre Magi], when Herrmann (60 mage of Blacklisted) was only running for that (and even bought some of the mats for the Tribute).
Do not group. By the way, he's also a shitty healer.
Joydivision wrote:Don't dungeon with Yadin, he switches to masterloot mid-fight. Done that on Princess, pants and ring.