Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screenshots!

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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Nard » Sun May 31, 2015 3:42 am

ROGUEZ From Massivus DM NINJA! Tarnished elvish ring! tribute chest drops and only the ring gets looted to him. he contiunes to say he had it on auto loot and that was the reason it was looted to him no rolls were ever made ... but only the ring was looted to him with his "Auto loot".... screenshot below please watch out, thanks !
WoWScrnShot_053015_231537.jpg (235.99 KiB) Viewed 2355 times

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Arise » Sun May 31, 2015 8:04 am

Oh right. Busy ninja times up ahead with the addition of this tribute chest I guess.

But this ss doesnt really show anything. For all we know there has been a roll.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Joydivision » Sun May 31, 2015 12:38 pm

Busdriverx wrote:
Alinkard wrote:Horde Undead Rogue - Joydivision
"Need" on a plate item...
By chance, another mate won him and sold it to me for some golds.

Proof :

Yeah this is no surprise, Joydivision is a psychopath and has a few... issues, let's say. Best to avoid interacting with him since he's quite unstable

Oh i'm very sorry that i need rolled on Obsidian Greaves, a pair of boe plate boots that are on the ah for under 5g. Perhaps others' have frameworks for decision making which are more ethical from their perspective; which involves clicking greed - Pfft plz - retailer noobs. And, I didn't win the roll aswell.

I'm clearly stable, and have reached the stage or close to self-actualization in line with Maslows hierarchy of needs. Most people who have a gripe with me tend to argue a little, but i type too fast and too fucking smart. Thenceforward they resort to using the generics such as "kid, fat, mum, noob" or public defamation-like behaviour in /4 /2. Busdriverx - Horde is one such user of this toxic approach. And I would suggest to all of you to not dungeon with this person, unless you're into "KAPPA, PLEB, WREKT" ideology.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Arise » Sun May 31, 2015 3:40 pm

Joydivision wrote:
Busdriverx wrote:
Alinkard wrote:Horde Undead Rogue - Joydivision
"Need" on a plate item...
By chance, another mate won him and sold it to me for some golds.

Proof :

Yeah this is no surprise, Joydivision is a psychopath and has a few... issues, let's say. Best to avoid interacting with him since he's quite unstable

Oh i'm very sorry that i need rolled on Obsidian Greaves, a pair of boe plate boots that are on the ah for under 5g. Perhaps others' have frameworks for decision making which are more ethical from their perspective; which involves clicking greed - Pfft plz - retailer noobs. And, I didn't win the roll aswell.

I'm clearly stable, and have reached the stage or close to self-actualization in line with Maslows hierarchy of needs. Most people who have a gripe with me tend to argue a little, but i type too fast and too fucking smart. Thenceforward they resort to using the generics such as "kid, fat, mum, noob" or public defamation-like behaviour in /4 /2. Busdriverx - Horde is one such user of this toxic approach. And I would suggest to all of you to not dungeon with this person, unless you're into "KAPPA, PLEB, WREKT" ideology.

... :shock:

Does your mental institution know you have internet access?
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by BuffGamer » Sun May 31, 2015 4:20 pm

Today we ran a Dire Maul North - Full Tribute Run and Ronswansan (60 druid of <Thundercats>) ninja'd part of the chest without rolling. Just ran up and started taking shit. He took the [Rod of the Ogre Magi], when Herrmann (60 mage of Blacklisted) was only running for that (and even bought some of the mats for the Tribute).

Do not group. By the way, he's also a shitty healer.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by tosheybellamy » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:34 am

BuffGamer wrote:Today we ran a Dire Maul North - Full Tribute Run and Ronswansan (60 druid of <Thundercats>) ninja'd part of the chest without rolling. Just ran up and started taking shit. He took the [Rod of the Ogre Magi], when Herrmann (60 mage of Blacklisted) was only running for that (and even bought some of the mats for the Tribute).

Do not group. By the way, he's also a shitty healer.

<ThunderCats> has a strict policy against ninja looting. Action has been taken, player Ronswansan is no longer a part of our guild.
Toshey - Night elf hunter
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Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by crunchums » Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:14 am

Restinpieces attempts to ninja a 2 hand axe in mara . after being called out on it.. asks mage for a port to repair and logs.... all this to attempt to ninja a 2 g axe off me who needed it.. GG.
WoWScrnShot_053115_044926.jpg (160.25 KiB) Viewed 1990 times

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Joydivision » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:39 pm

Don't dungeon with Yadin, he switches to masterloot mid-fight. Done that on Princess, pants and ring.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Sulvenance » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:58 pm

^ No screens? And besides who wants a verbally abusive guy who talks shit to everyone to get loot? I'm pretty sure this is a role-playing game so perhaps you should consider your reputation before being an asshole. Rofl.

Re: Ninja Looters and players to look out for. Post Screensh

by Yadin » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:13 pm

Joydivision wrote:Don't dungeon with Yadin, he switches to masterloot mid-fight. Done that on Princess, pants and ring.

plot twist: Don´t dungeon with Joydivision, as he managed to attract 4 individual people - not knowing each other - to ignore him after 30 minutes.

We 4 thought about master looting because we have never seen such an annoying and smartypants little kid as you are. However, the shaman won the roll and he got the item. So no reason to complain therefore.
Noone is interested in lower dungeons but I will do master loot in most higher dungeons whatsoever, because I don´t like ppl roll on items which are actually not for their role/class. If you don´t like it, don´t join.

However I would rather die instead of group with you again. Never seen someone so annoying and I am playing this game since release. Somehow an achievement...


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