I still dont get what is so hard about making a premade?
premade vs pug is no fun? sitting afk in bg sure got the edge of fun experience.
Loosing a bg is not the end of the world.
U made it to 60, u have decend or maybe bis preraid gear
Farm bg consumables get on teamspeak or mumble
Enjoy a good 2:3 wsg or a 1900 2000 ab.
Its not that hard to get fun out of it.
By all means if u are the lonley hero 1 v 1 champion go play arena.
Grp up. Nobody will laugh at you for trying your best even if u loose.
U people behave like the ally premades have insane skillz.
90% Is communication and team efford.
I thought this is WARcraft? stop going to aa gunfight with yer swiss knive